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Joseph Solis-Mullen exposes the great hoax of military Keynesianism, or the notion that "defense spending" translates into economic prosperity.
"As Washington exerts increasing control over the economy in the name of waging war and preparing to wage more, bragging for example about the apparent benefits accruing to American corporations and workers, resultant from helping fuel the fighting in Ukraine, arms sales to Israel, or the increasing militarization of the Taiwan Strait, it has never been more important to counter statist propaganda about the economic beneficence of war."
I kinda want to do a post on the most common economic fallacies held by actual econ majors, but I don't feel entirely qualified to do it. Who am I to know what people believe or don't believe?
It's a good idea. I bet we could come up with a way to gauge it.
It reminds me of something that I think I heard on Penn and Teller's show Bull Shit: "You have to have gone to college to believe something that stupid." That would probably be another fun list.
Probably just link to mises.org and call it a day, haha
That is a lot of what they're combatting.
Do it!