pull down to refresh

I haven't looked at these stats in a long time (kr took lead on this), but we did a serious review them after SN was around a year old. One of the crazy things was that we retained ~80% (IIRC) of people for at least a month, after they received a comment or zap on something.
Anyway, you made me curious so I looked. Here's the result of a quick query. This would be cool to add to the analytics dashboard.
The header is how many at least stayed that long.
13 sats \ 2 replies \ @pillar 11h
@k00b thinking out loud: could you guys be interested (aka have budget) for developing internal analytics for stacker.news instances as part of the app itself?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 11h
We have some analytics but you mean something else?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @pillar 3h
I'm thinking of something similar to a static site generator. You define s set of queries towards Postgres and visuals with code, check it into git, build it periodically. You can serve the pages publicly or keep them internal. All based on FOSS.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @random_ 9h
6.5% gang rise up