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What Is This?

This is a recurring post inspired by discussions had by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to release a new Golden Oldies every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
It’s called “Golden Oldies”, so there must come a point when I repeat posts, in order to make sure the selections remain Golden. So, considering that it’s the new year, and considering there have been a lot of changes here lately, and considering the fact that we have many new stackers, I thought today would be a good time to post the SN Origin story once again. I love to re-read this post every once in a while.
I might as well make this a full k00b post. Taken with the origin story, you may have as much of a look into k00b’s brain as you can stand. Enjoy!
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Here’s a link to last week’s post:
Logo design by @plebpoet
Great choice Siggy.
Get to know k00b, stackers. He's the man and he's been taking a lot of shit lately.
You read my mind.
post went full k00b
I was surprised frostdragon was on yesterday. His post wasnt relevant to me, but some of the older SN posters seem to be making it back again.
Maybe they're here, silently watching... and ready to pounce
Im sure they are. I have heard Nemo is still around, just doesnt comment or post on his main account anymore. I think nout is one of the older ones, too?
No one knows for sure
never seen the origin story , very cool!
I discovered the original story not long ago, and when I shared it someone said it was linked at the bottom of the page!
This video is also important to have some more context, you've probably already seen it.
Yes, I know. For some reason stackers don't notice it.
This is a great idea look forward to more
Everyone on Stacker News must go through the origin story. It's inspiring to how a small idea is evolving and we all are witnessing the journey.