pull down to refresh

you can generate an offline token, offline, for any amount using most cashu wallets (eg minibits)
Did not know this. TIL, thanks.
an early version of tollgate did require old style tokens (amount is a factor of 2), pretty sure that's resolved now
I just tried this with the latest release of minibits. I was able to generate an ecash token offline, but still only in powers of 2. Pretty cool feature with a weird limitation. Is it possible to get trustless change?
you mean, from a tollgate operator?
It would be possible, because you'd be online by that point and could verify (claim) any change
It would be possible, because you'd be online by that point
Not sure what you mean.
For example,
Let's say I generate a 512 sat token, but the TollGate cost is 511 sats.
I give them the 512 sat token (I overpaid?).
I am now online, but how do I get trustless change?
Is it possible to give a set of 256 + 128 + ... + 1 tokens to the operator for "exact change"?
Aah sorry yeah I misunderstood
No, they haven't built anything like that, not sure they'd bother tbh
However much you send them, that's the amount of internet you get. No change.