Orange Pill App (in case anyone doesn't already know) is a Bitcoin exclusive social media platform that connects bitcoiners to events, merchants, and each other. Their mission is to accelerate Bitcoin adoption by facilitating meaningful real-world connections within the Bitcoin community.
They've got a number of app upgrades in the works for this year, including an LN wallet, a ticketing system, and voice/video call functionality.
Every once in a while, a company comes along that has the potential to make a material impact on the speed and direction of bitcoin adoption. We believe that Orange Pill App is one of those companies. The potential power of individuals coming together from across the globe to share ideas, collaborate, and form strong social bonds while uniting under a single unshakable conviction cannot be overstated.
I mean…When you get thousands of passionate Bitcoiners engaging in active communication… who knows what could happen? Viva la résistance!
That’s why we believe supporting companies like Orange Pill App, whether as a user or as an investor, represents more than a financial decision, it signifies the conviction to play an active role in supporting hyperbitcoinization.
The fresh capital from this investment round will fuel three key initiatives:
Accelerate product development of the platform’s Bitcoin wallet and ticketing features.
Expand the team with key hires including a full-time CTO, designer, and community managers.
Fund marketing activities to acquire 50,000 new members over the next 18 months.
Now we'd like to hear from you! What does the SN community think of Orange Pill App?
To any of their current active users: What has your experience been like? What suggestions or improvements have crossed your mind while using the app?