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The other day a friend of mine was telling me her experience going to a concert of a group she admires a lot and how she had the opportunity to meet them. I found it a very rewarding experience for her, In my case, I have never had the experience of going to a concert of an artist that I admire a lot, since they never come to my country. But the point of the post is not the concerts but something she told me
She said: This is going to my memory box
I don't know why, but that resonated in my mind in a way that I can't really explain
Next week is my birthday and I plan to get together with my closest friends and take lots of photos to fill my memory box. In November 2024 I was the victim of the theft of my cell phone and I lost many important photos of people I love, So I decided that I could somehow have those memories in my hands, not on a device that I could lose at any moment
Now I ask you, do you have enough pictures with the people that you love? Do you have your important memories protected?