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Listen to this post read with passion on @realBitcoinDog podcast It's So Early! on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/rLzGfnOYWqnsMhKAxh5j
Of course, everybody knows, hodl never SODL, we're not selling, I'm not selling all the Bitcoin I buy, never selling ever, we are the remnant, we are keeping our Bitcoin forever, we will live eternal, long and forever, go to Valhalla, Shiny and Chrome, and our Bitcoin legacy is there on the blockchain, forever, always, I will be immortal, just as the community on Stacker News, Health and Fitness.
But, but, I love my wife, we have to really emphasize this, that I love my wife, I'm so grateful for her, I appreciate her, I appreciate her support, but she says, we have enough, we have enough, we're done, we have enough Bitcoin, however much Bitcoin we have, it's enough, she's tired of us selling all our chairs, she's tired of eating the ramen, she's tired of arguing over whether or not I can continue buying Coke Zeros, if I want so much Bitcoin, why do I spend so many sats on Coke Zero, mmm, so tasty, so delicious, but here we are, and I am not a trader, I don't believe in trading, I've published an article on Bitcoin Magazine that Bitcoin maximalists do not trade to get more Bitcoin, and this is true, this is absolutely true, I believe this, you need to buy your Bitcoin, buy it outright, mine in the fiat mines, get that cash, and add to your stack, don't focus on fiat price of Bitcoin number go up, but the sassy stack number go up, this is the way, don't get wrecked, don't chase yield.
however, however, I know that the fiat price of Bitcoin is going up this year, I have studied the market, I have studied the market cycles, the halving cycles, I do know more than everyone else, I know you can't time the market, but I can time the Bitcoin halving cycle bull run market, I can time that, and it pains me to not buy more Bitcoin knowing we're going to the moon, knowing we're going to a million dollars by the year 2030, and really this year my price prediction is I know we will at least hit 200k, 210k, we might even go to 333k, think about it, the ETFs, the options, the S&P fortune 500 companies trying to copy Michael Saylor's micro strategy playbook, it's all there for the taking, the favorable US presidential administration, all of it, it's all there, it's all bullish, there's no way this is the top, there's no way 100k is the top
I'd love to buy more, but I can't, she's ready to live now, she's ready to live life now, she wants cash for the day, she doesn't want to sell any of our assets, as a family we have diamond hands, as a family we hodl, but how can I profit off of this move? So I found the loophole, the loophole in my wife's logic and thinking, because remember these are the keys to marriage, key to marriage, always make sure you're winning, if you're always winning you can't lose, that's the key to marriage. Are you writing this down @grayruby Ruby?
So what we need to do then is I'm looking at our taxable brokerage account where we own several shares of VOO, which is the Vanguard S&P 500 index ETF, now we bought this for a reason, we bought S&P 500 index ETF for a reason, we thought VOO is better than cash, you know typical traditional trad fi seven percent annualized returns every year, it's a great place to park your capital, better than just cash, better than just holding your hand out for the government to give you some paltry interest rate, but that VOO, that return seven percent or whatever, Bitcoin can beat that, and Bitcoin can't just beat that, it's going to crush that this year, absolutely guaranteed, I knew we did 100k last year, I know that we're going to 200, 210k this year at least, so with her blessing I finally had the light bulb go off, as much as I've been begging and pleading,
please honey, please can I sell our shares of the VOO to just buy Bitcoin
and she said no, let me be specific, the reason she said no is she believes in us investing in more assets, but every asset we invest in, we invest in for a reason, with conviction, so that we're not focused on money, we're not focused on investing, where should my mind be focused, on our kids, on our family, on stacker news, okay maybe not stacker news, but set it and forget it, build wealth, ignore wall street, and enjoy your family, that's the real Bitcoin dog family credo, but I want to make that money, I don't want to have that resentment, so happy money for daddy, happy wife, happy family, so I have gotten her blessing to take our VOO position and sell it for cash, and then take that cash and invest it in Bitcoin at this price, at this $100,000 Bitcoin price, then because I know Bitcoin's going to 200k, 210k, it's going to double, we'll double our money, and I'll sell it, and I'll have double the cash, and there we go, now I've doubled the cash, now of course, easy, what could go wrong?
now once I've doubled my cash, what do I do with that cash, I can of course rebuy back that VOO position, so like spend and replace, and then it was house money, and it's all good, all done, now we have this cash, we profited off of this trade, if I want at that time to keep some Bitcoin, I would love to do that, don't get me wrong, you know I want to just stack stats and buy Bitcoin, but we finally now have two kids, we now have to pay for daycare for two kids simultaneously, daycare does not give you a discount for having two kids, on the third kid, they'll give 10% off on the third kid, but oh gosh, we'll see about that, so no discount for two kids, but easy money, easy cash, so it's a little wild how much resistance there's been to buying Bitcoin, but this loophole, if I say I'm buying Bitcoin for the sake of selling later for cash, suddenly we're on board, so I'm thrilled about this, I'm thrilled to discover this, this is a trade, this is trading, but this isn't trading, it's just one big swing trade, it's one big momentum trade, it's just taking all my knowledge, seeing where I have capital currently deployed in this taxable S&P 500 ETF, reallocating it to an asset that I think will give a higher return, obviously, which is Bitcoin, and making that game.
What's the best part about this? What's the most beautiful part about this? The beautiful part is, it's Bitcoin, it's real Bitcoin, so I started buying Bitcoin in 2021 at the top, at $62,000, YOLOing in, all in at $62,000 Bitcoin, of course, like any person who paid their tuition plus 2021, but I really did pay, I learned, and I never sold, everybody says they want to buy the dip, 2022, we fell from $62,000 all the way to $16,000, and everyone says,
please, please pass me that bowl of chips, I want to buy that, yummy, yummy, that tasty, tasty dip
but then it dips to $40K, then it dips to $30K, and they're like, the dip wasn't supposed to keep dipping, everybody wants to buy the dip, nobody wants to catch a falling knife, well, I'll catch that falling knife, look at these hands, do you see real Bitcoin dog's hands, do you see his paws, there's blood all over these paws, you know why there's blood, because I've been catching so many falling knives, so I'm ready, I'm a Bitcoiner, I'm a Bitcoin maximalist
if I do this swing trade and buy in at $100K Bitcoin, and we fall 50% to $50K, you know I'm not selling, you know I'm huddling, you know I got Bitcoin in my pocket, I'm keeping it, I'm not panic selling, I'm not losing it, and more importantly, when we do hit to $200K and I sell, well, that's the beautiful thing about the IRS, no, I'm just kidding, there's nothing beautiful about the IRS, but that's the great thing is, the IRS wants to do first-in-first-out style transactions, so when I go to sell to cash out, I'm not actually selling the Bitcoin I just bought at $100K, so I have no short-term capital gains tax at the marginal tax rate, I'm selling the Bitcoin that I bought in 2021 at $62K four years ago, and so now I have this long-term capital gains tax rate of 15%.
Another way of looking at it is, I'm effectively raising my cost basis, and the reason I'm doing it though is to profit for cash, I see the move, I see the move coming, I know we're going to have a bear market in 2026, I know the price of Bitcoin will probably crash all the way to the prior cycle top of $65K in 2026, it'll crash from $210K, $250K, $300K, all the way to $65K in 2026, but this is just profit, this is just fiat mindset, how can I get cash today, and again, I'm protecting my stack, I'm huddling my original Bitcoin stack, I'm not losing my original Bitcoin stack, I'm not going to get wrecked, I'm not doing this trade on leverage, I'm not taking it on margin, I'm not taking out debt to buy this Bitcoin, if I ever needed to cash out, pull out, get that liquidity back, it's always available to me, Bitcoin is the most liquid market that exists,
so yeah, you tell me what you think, undisciplined and gray ruby, you tell me what you think, stackers, the alternative is to do nothing, the alternative is to huddle, the alternative is to just know one gray ruby sat equals one real Bitcoin dog sat, and just ride the price number go up wave, knowing that my Bitcoin stack stays the same, like a mountain, never moves, but I'm ready to get creative, to think about how can I get some cash, what can I spend it on, more Coke Zero maybe, my exchange that I use is River, I really enjoyed River, I've used 10 different places to buy Bitcoin in the past, I will share my River referral code, I don't work for River, I'm not an affiliate for River, but it seems to work really well for me, so please let me know what you think, clearly when it comes to Bitcoin, it's so early!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 11 Jan
Yup we’re running early! So much more ATH to go!!