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Took out dog out at lunch and she set a record for doing her business before zooming back inside and running under a blanket.
It is kind of funny. This morning one of ours yanked the leash out of my hand and galloped to the front door. Apparently I walk too slow.
Don't blame them
Love the stove!
Edit: is that inside a fireplace hearth? Or is it a dedicated wood stove nook?
Yes, it is in a fireplace hearth. We figured it was more heat efficient and safer to put a stove in there. We also have a bigger, less attractive looking wood stove in the basement that really heats up the whole house. We live in an area with lots of wood.
Nice! I was considering putting a wood stove in my fireplace hearth too. It doesn’t get as cold where I live as where you live, but I use the wood fireplace a fair amount. I was reading that there are some safety concerns about putting stoves in there but I didn’t really understand them. I also didn’t research too much. It seemed like a very reasonable thing to do to me, too.
We have a full chimney pipe that vents out the chimney. I think it's safer than burning wood and assuming the fireplace and chimney are structurally sound. But, I'm no expert.
I would agree with your assessment. I think the concerns were about certain stove models not being meant to be up against a wall or in an alcove or something. But it probably just depends on where they vent heat out.
Did you do anything special with the exhaust line besides just run it up into the chimney a certain height?
We had it installed by the shop where we bought it about 20 years ago. I'm not sure about the installation details. I must say I wish that stove was a little bigger. The one in the basement is a beast. Great heat, easy to start, and it takes bigger logs. Not as purty, though. 😀
Smart move. How is the new pup doing?
She's doing really well. The digestive issues seem to be under control, and housebreaking has been a non issue for a month or so. Regarding the cat, sometimes she just ignores him, and other times she chases him. I don't know if she would actually hurt him, since I have never heard her growl or exhibit aggressive behavior towards anyone, but I don't want to take a chance. It's tough, because our cat and other dog are genuine friends, and the cat wants to make friends with her too.
Yeah that’s tough. Do you keep them apart?
No, we just watch them. When we leave or got to bed both dogs sleep in crates, so the cat has the run of the house all night. Mouse patrol!
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Jan
Makes sense. At least they get some exposure to each other. I am sure eventually you will feel comfortable to leave them unwatched together.
I hope so. The cat has all his claws. When I think of a cat v. dog fight, I always envision a boxing match against a lanky guy with really fast hands. I've seen a cat really go to town on a dog's face before the dog knew what was going on. Cats are not defenseless. I would hate for anything like that to happen, of course, so we'll stay vigilant.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @NovaRift 9 Jan
You better keep them inside. 😂
That won't be a problem. Getting them outside to do their business? That's another issue.
41 sats \ 4 replies \ @Cje95 9 Jan
I dont blame them! It's freakin cold out there
Yes it is. The two dogs think I'm nuts making them go outside. They do their business and come running back in.
41 sats \ 2 replies \ @Cje95 9 Jan
I feel it! I almost shed a tear today walking to work in a suit.... dress pants are not thick enough for a mile walk when the weather has a feels like 9 out and a 10 mph wind in your face!
A mile in dress pants? You deserve battle pay.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 9 Jan
Dude it was roughhhhhh and icy af I was a little worried I was gonna bust my ass 😂
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