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I was driving back home from taking my dad to his colonoscopy appointment yesterday and drove past these fences. Dropped him off, and then later came back to take the photos (since I didn't have my camera with me initially, doh). Few cars whizzing by me but I don't care. I think that marks the character of a good photographer; to go and photograph things when it may be uncomfortable for some.
Anyways, here are two different photos, and two different crops. One is full frame no-crop, the other is a different photo, but in 5:4 ratio.
Which do you like better? I know my answer, but I'd like to hear others.
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First one has good spacing with the sky, fence, and ground.
That's what I felt as well. Verified.
Nice shots cowboy, keep up the posts. The pics from that Leica were awesome.
Cheers fam, appreciate that a lot.
I like the first one best
Nice shots! The first one brings out the funny for me.