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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG0RA 9 Jan

STACKER NEWS Merch now available!

Explore exclusive SN items at https://AGORA.ftp.sh/cat/stacker-news/
  • available in ⚫ black and 🟑 yellow gold
  • 🌐 worldwide shipments
  • πŸ›‘οΈ No data retention
  • 🟠 Bitcoin-only accepted
Day 452 of 100+ pushups per day; day 351 of 120+ pushups per day, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144
13 sats \ 2 replies \ @gmd 9 Jan
New fire in Studio City separate from other fires... seems like something more sinister might be going on... arson or terrorism :/ scary stuff
very sinister
I have a theory about who is responsible
@BTCLNAT which hormone is linked to inspiration? Prescribe me a reuptake inhibitor for THAT
Trying to start out the year on the right foot. With focus anything can be done! Stacking the dip strong!
Hello! I received two deposits from SN of 16 sats each (I checked my SN log). Thank you for the tip! Was it to test the wallet??
deleted by author
looking at X for more than two minutes makes my chest tight
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 10 Feb
I was randomly reminded of this comment and the perfect reply came to mind
13 sats \ 5 replies \ @gmd 8 Jan
Prayers to any bitcoiners dealing with LA fires…
Will be a test to see how many steel metal seed plates will survive…
Thank you
I have been disappointed by the lack of posts and comments regarding the LA fires but not surprised by the woke solipsistic user base of SN
next time another SN user has a disaster in his or her community I will choose to ignore him or her or it
especially the insufferable SN users based in Europe
Sad but true, sending prayers. A good reminder to us all. Stay safe
sad that SN users need a reminder
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @random_ 8 Jan
Prayers to anyone dealing with LA fires…
thank you
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 8 Jan
The Biggest feud since Drake vs The Other Guy
Have your say!
Glad I inspired you only a couple items later! 🀣
Day #182 of nut 🌰 dropping πŸ₯œ in the Saloon
Feeding the bots today
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @jasonb 8 Jan
...just moseying in to show off my complete set today... ::satisfied exhale::
How many can we get to comment in this thread??
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 8 Jan
Why can't I withdraw my CCs?
Read this post #841565
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cowboy 8 Jan
Hello everyone
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Jan
how many people did you scam today?
@k00b quick question. When you sort the territories by revenue for the week. What time period is that capturing? When I sort by day I see the territory's previous daily revenue which matches what I saw in the 12am ct notification but when I sort by week it shows me a number 1800 sats higher than I have received in rewards over the last 7 days. Is the weekly capturing the last 7 days up to the previous hour? So in this case Jan 1st 10am CT to Jan 8th 10am central?
Just curious as @Undisciplined is meddlesome and wants to make sure I am not skimming sats.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Jan
It'll include the revenue paid Jan 1st IIRC. When doing it by day, it has hour level resolution (24 hours ago to now). With weeks, it has day level resolution so will include revenue from Jan 1st CT.
67 sats \ 0 replies \ @nout 8 Jan
Reminder: if you see some content you like and you would like to see more of, then zap it.
See the Zen of Stacker News: #24357
Hmm I think I am going to use SN more on my ipad. The mobile experience is so limiting. It feels great to just type on a real keyboard. I linked up my wallet using LNC so I am locked and loaded.
So now I have SN on
  • iphone
  • pixel
  • ipad
  • laptop
I know k00b is working on a universal wallet setting up the self hosted walled on all these devices is def a pain in the side
I use both an iPad and a desktop. I really prefer the desktop, but I can’t always get to it. The iPad is even worse than a lacktop but better than a phone.
347 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Jan
Did you miss the device sync release? It's the device sync tab at the top of your settings. You enabled it on one device, then scan the QR code on all the others, then your wallet creds will sync between all of them.
Ahh Okay! I wish I knew this sooner thanks. If I add another device I know what to do
You have been doing everything from your phone and not computer? You make a lot of longer posts, with articles attached. How do you even do it?
Lots of patience. This is why my writing is full of grammatical errors.
Some I do on a keyboard like my longer form stuff but 85% of my posts are mobile based
Your writing isnt bad at all. Im just surprised you can edit and get it to look right when writing on your phone. Thats hard to do.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @nym 8 Jan
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @chess 8 Jan bot
A new chess game has been started!
Reply with a move like e5 to continue the game. See here for details.
deleted by author
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @chess 8 Jan bot
invalid move D5: square does not exist: D5
what are the guns and horses?
17 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Jan
easter eggs cowboy
Yee haw
πŸ’°This week Comics & Meme ~Design contest #18 is about:

Bitcoin Boltface VOLTAGE

Check it out #841990
Ok PI planning day. It’s go time!
35 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 8 Jan
How do I zap CC? Is it just to adjust the minimum under settings?
The best way is disabling your sending wallet.
Ah shit, I forgot to post this into the weekly fun fact post
statists can't understand this fact
The mother of all red pills - The rabbit hole playlist If you want to know the truth about this fucked up world you must watch this playlist
I saw the first video of the series and bookmarked the place. I will be seeing this later.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 8 Jan
Excellent i ve been flipping the coin of the red pill severals time for the last past weeks (spiritual, conspiracy and "real world") thks
Back to fiat work.
Stack Sats and stay humble
Day 380 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 710 sats on 7Jan2025! Running total: 265,588 sats!
day 158: 35 sats on 1-7-25. total 5546⚑sats!
"every Satoshi is offered by Bitcoin, a gift, and that gift is the privilege of proof of work. thru PoW he learns all things." ~ Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freebitcoinry
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 8 Jan
β€œI find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go in the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx
@Satosora you asked me what is an "OG bitcoiner". Now I remember that I have to give you a proper answer.
IMHO is this:
  • one that never touched shitcoins. Yes, this is an important rule. If you started in early years, even in 2009, there were never existed shitcoins those times. So why in the hell you joined later into shitcoins if you already knew what is Bitcoin? Or you were an idiot that didn't understand what is Bitcoin or you were just an idiot. Toxicity is a must.
  • one that start mining in the early years, with CPU, GPU, FCPGA etc, the pre-asic era. And another important rule: you still have some BTC from that era, somewhere in a cold wallet and not like those idiots throwing their HDD into the garbage.
  • one that used all kind of nodes, wallets and apps from the beginning and knows how to manage them. Not those that were keeping their BTC in MtGox, those are not even Bitcoiners.
  • one that studied Bitcoin in details and never was tempted to play around with shitcoins.
  • you can still be an OG even after the 2nd halving (pre-LN era). All those joining after LN era, IMHO are NOT OGs.
I hope this satisfy your question.
Very good. Your standards are a bit different than others. People need to open their eyes.
and one more thing... a real OG really doesn't care about BTC price. sound on
and here another funny meme with an "OG translator"
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 8 Jan
when Xavier on SN ?
I lost my horse 🐴.
I shot it with my gun. Pew pew.
LOL the Crypto territory https://stacker.news/~crypto/ became just a shitpool of garbage posts. Hey people... did you read the description of that territory? I think is very clear what is saying. Why do you continue posting all that garbage?
Now is quite easy to find the shitcoiners, posting in that territory only garbage shitcoineries. making a list...
they thought they had found a safe milking spot away from the gaze of Darth
They are wrong. Even that I am not subscribed to many territories I still browse them sometimes, to see who and what is posting. Easy to catch shitcoiners.
The name looks very catchy for the people who are crypto enthusiastic πŸ˜‚ they may mistake it. I think it should be renamed Cryptography.
deleted by author
25 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 8 Jan
deleted by author
Where might that be? Sorry to hear about the population loss. Is it a farming community?