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Bitcoin education must be free
Heh, I didn’t expect to see this from you 🙂
Why? Did you saw me charging any sat on my guides page? I stop doing any work in 2019 and dedicate ALL my time to Bitcoin for free and helping people. Yes, not anybody can do that, but I did it because I can and I want.
Must any education be free then? Or bitcoin education only?
I did it because I can and I want
which, I believe, many appreciate very much, including myself.
Must any education be free then?
This is quite general question. And can't be answered by a simply yes or no.
  • Basic education (bitcoin included) - YES. Here also can apply a V4V if people want it. For this basic education I am for the home schooling. Up until 12-14 years a kid can be schooled at home, easily and free. If the parents want a private teacher then yes, they will have to pay, because the time of that teacher it cost money. But education material will be free.
  • Professional education (like getting skills in manufacturing, crafting etc) - NO.
  • Specialized education (high skilled professions) - NO
Can somebody make money from education? Maybe idk I am not a teacher. I see now appearing some "Bitcoin hubs" or companies that are giving paid bitcoin consultancy. But I also see that they have the basic training material for free and only the specialized part is paid. Workshops are not cheap too. That's the good way.
Your guides are some of the best in the world, Darth. I don't see you charging any sats for your guides but you are also the strongest believer of pay-to-post so I can conclude that you think people's time has value and it's ok to charge money for things.
I think if you have a good guide, it's fine for you to attempt to sell products that are valuable. For example, I use PunchPlate because I think it is the best product for the price in the US. It ranked AAAA on Lopp's stress test and is a nicely finished product.
These plates are a great value and I use them a lot: https://codl.co/collections/24-word-punchplates
I have led lots of people to buy them but one day I learned that I could both offer people a discount and even earn some sats for driving people to a product that I was already sending people to use.
If you use the promo code "WIB", then you get $3.75 discount and I earn some sats too.
I think a website can offer free education and still make honest money with a promo code and this is exactly how.