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20 sats \ 15 replies \ @NovaRift 7 Jan \ on: AskSN This shit drives me crazy. Why am I not getting sats? bitcoin_beginners
We both use Coinos actually and I think zaps are failing. Are you receiving CC's only?
If I would be CoinOS admin I would restrict all zaps to / from SN.
LOL so now you are out of the frying pan into the fire....
run your fucking LN node if you really want sats.
I can't at this time. Also, it's not for sats—people are not happy when I zap them CCs, so I'm trying this: NWC with Coinos and the LN address of WoS. If it doesn't work, I'll remove everything and live on CCs only. and will only attach a wallet when I can run my own node.
Again my other meme is damn right...

sats are only for the brave and knowledgeable
will only attach a wallet when I can run my own node.
Running a simple private LN node it doesn't require too much hardware... but require some knowledge. read my guides damn it.
I believe it has to do with the default fee on coinos. If you get zapped under 30 sats or zap under 30 sats it will be CC's.
Hoping @adam_coinos_io can look into.
Yes. I usually zap 40 sats most of the time so it doesn't really affect me and if I get CC's I just zap them to people or donate them to rewards. Rewards will come back as sats.
I do hope it gets sorted and we will be able to zap smaller amounts but this is fine for now.
I have received an increasing amount of CCs I just can't verify why.