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300 sats \ 4 replies \ @Signal312 7 Jan \ on: What has your experience been with the carnivore diet? alter_native
I love it! I've been doing it for about year, as a matter of fact just this minute I finished a reply where I talked about my carnivore diet (#840131).
I'll give my own replies to some of the comments that have come up:
Boredom- not a problem. I really thought it would be, but my mind just doesn't even really go there. I absolutely LOVE my breakfast of a beef patty and 2 eggs for breakfast (and lots of beef fat or butter). I look forward to it, every single morning. For other meals, there's a bit more variety. As a matter of fact, I just had some turkey. But nothing satisfies as deeply as beef.
Cost- is it expensive? If you buy the grass-fed grass-finished beef, from local farms - then yes, it'll be expensive. If you buy cheap ground beef and eggs, and look for sales, then I really think it will easily be LESS expensive than eating a standard American diet. You drop a lot of things - alcohol, all the processed foods, all the fruits and veggies that go bad so quickly. Your shopping list becomes really short. You can compare prices easily.
Health - I'm never going back to the standard diet mainly because my health and energy has improved so much on carnivore. I would do it even just for the improvements in mood. Previously I didn't have any serious mental issues, or depression or anything. But it's amazing how much better you can get, compared to being in an "okay" mood most of the time. Now I regularly feel exuberant.
Weight - I wasn't doing this to lose weight. I've gained about 3 pounds, probably because I started lifting weights.
Moderation - I don't believe in it anymore. Moderation is just the lie they tell you, in order to get you to eat "just a little bit" of some of their crappy addictive food-like products. This used to be an ad campaign, for potato chips:
And it's true! The average human really can't "eat just one".
Some good resources to look up are Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker, and Dr Ken Berry. Great podcasts and videos.
The way I started out was
- Knowing that Saifedean Ammous (author of The Bitcoin Standard, I respect him tremendously) was carnivore made it an option for me. When you first hear about it, carnivore sounds absolutely insane. But after knowing that Saifedean Ammous was doing it - it didn't seem so shocking.
- On Saifedean Ammous' podcast, he interviewed Nina Teicholtz, who wrote the amazing book, The Big Fat Surprise. I read it, and then started going further down the carnivore rabbit hole.
Here's a bunch of other posts that I've written, that are carnivore related:
Carnivore diet - looks like it fixed this nighttime disorder for me
Carnivore diet - believe it or not, it healed this oddball disorder for me
Can a keto/carnivore diet heal issues like depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar?
Latest steps in my carnivore path - and why you should consider a carnivore diet
Carnivore achievements unlocked
Taking a temporary break from mostly-carnivore diet during holidays
Sugar and Alzheimers
Kinda-carnivore diet is leading to WAY more energy
Question for carnivores/carnivore-curious folks
I'm transitioning ... to a more MEAT centric diet
This book is blowing my mind - The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz
One more note - I'd say try it for at least 60 to 90 days. A week or two may not be enough to start getting benefits.
What you say about the cost makes a lot of sense, I've suspected as much.
BTW I think you wrote earlier that you're from South Africa. Would love to hear more about what's happening over there. I think a lot of people would.
I have a write up I'm planning to do about a Bitcoin community I visited!
On the topic of the diet, meat prices here are pretty reasonable so I should be alright cost wise.