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after they got the jab they got dumber.
I agree. Sometimes I wonder at the cause. Do you think it is more the biological factors having to do with the jab itself, or the sociological programming that these people continue to allow themselves to be subject to?
I think it might be both! The jab contained all sorts of strange unique nano features that react well with radio frequency emanations. So, they might be altering the mode of peoples thoughts and giving them a pro-state bias. Thus, becoming more amiable to the propaganda we are constantly being bathed in. Either way, it is not a good thing for them.
LOL I should put a warning on my guides: "These guides are NOT for jabbed people. It can cause Cognitive impairment (+137.7%)"
Insane statistics here.
Just glanced at the abstracts, but I'm not sure these studies tell us that the higher incidence of these diseases is caused by the jab. Couldn't we also conclude that the "cognitive impairment" and the other disorders correlated with people who trust the government's mandates? In other words, those people who were more likely to take the jab? Just trying to figure out how they controlled for that.
I definitely get what you're saying about people seeming dumber. Even family members of mine, whom I've known my whole life, got cucked by this shit. I also know some who lost their livelihood because they wouldn't comply with the "mandates." It's a damned mess either way.
I mean, either way it doesn't look good for humanity as a whole.
I'd say your guides are written more for people on the right side of the bell curve. Vaxxers proceed with caution 😅
There are other statistical studies on this subject that point to a really tough future for the vaccinated medically assaulted inoculated. I have noticed that parking lots have become especially good places to observe idiocy on the run. I mean, I never saw such behavior before! The rest of us have to keep our heads on a swivel.
Fiat going up in smoke, no doubt!
Yeah, knew about these, too. There are all sorts of problems with the contents of the jabs. The whole clusterf*ck was a DoD production. They view the Mercan people as the enemy more than anyone else, in reality. But I think that the ones behind the whole shebang really want to kill 14/15 of the people alive today. Thus, the problems in Eastern Europe and the Mideast that look like they will lead to nuclear big-time war. I also think that Putin is the only sane one of the bunch with everyone else screaming for more war.
Both. People are so dumb. The bad thing is that the damages are not even started massively. We will see more damages in the next generations.
This will be a fortune...
Holy shit! Ova not included! Like this needed to be explained 🤦‍♂️😂
The way it looks Be-ill Gates has been adding a little something extra to every GAVI vaccination murdering jab to make women infertile. There might not be enough ova around, either.
I guess this product will be worth almost as much as BTC! Although mining it may be slightly easier.