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Some of this reminds me of this great blog and discussion: #304309.
For me at least, thinking about writing as identity and brand demotivate me from writing. But, if I think about writing as improving my ability to think clearly, and finding people that think clearly and want to help me think clearly, then my attitude about it changes.
For me at least, thinking about writing as identity and brand demotivates me from writing.
Thanks for sharing your opinion; I agree with it. I may have framed it in an off way, like writing to create a brand or identity. To be honest, I enjoy seeing people carve out their own little territory online, like we do here—a space where they can share however they want.
I’ve seen podcasts and blogs get thousands of visits a day, but also those that no one has visited even once, yet they keep creating for years. Why? Because it helps them in some way. Maybe it’s hope that someone will connect with them, a way to stay motivated, a tool to process life, or just for personal clarity.
I write because it helps me, and it works. There’s this myth among everyone that most people can’t share online because they feel they don’t have anything worth sharing. I don’t believe that. If not online, people can write offline like I do. Everyone has a story—some keep it private, some semi private, some don’t care who knows, and some want all 8 billion people to hear it. Even those scared still share, and that inspires me. Everyone’s story has value, and it motivates me to keep writing too!