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Without trying to use Lightning... there is no way to know how well it works. I am drinking a lightning-coffee right now in fact and it works fine.
I didn't say Ln does not work, it works great. I meant that Lugano is a very expensive city.
It is. However I highly recommend it as a place for Bitcoiners to visit and spend some sats.
spend is an ugly word my friend
May I ask why? I have never sold a single sat not one. However I have proved to myself that Bitcoin is a practical day-to-day transaction medium.
I am total in favor in living only on sats, even if sometimes it means having to sell some for cash, but I try to but more than spending or selling. Spending is an ugly word when you learn about austrian economics and time preference.
Thanks. I only spent what I reasonably would have anyway (in fiat etc). In my opinion if you earn more than you spend you save in Bitcoin. If you spend more than you earn... you will have a deficit at the end of the month Bitcoin or no.
I don't think Bitcoin fundamentally changes this
My condolescenses to your sats, ex-sats lol
LOL indeed. Sleep better at night tho