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Hey SN
Thinking about the future and thinking retirement plans
Interested in the communities retirement plans. Bitcoin , cowboy credits , stocks , real estate
My current plan
Own my home Retirement stock portfolio paid into from my work Bitcoin Cowboy credits
Start with selling down retirement portfolio then Bitcoin after that if required
Haven’t worked out how much per year etc
Looking for others plans. I’d like to retire early compared to current retirement age of 67 so may need some cash as well before I can access portfolio
No one can time it just right, from one side you want to save for the future, all good, but from another side I don't think you want to save soo much and die rich...lol. Sure, one can save and plan for the future but also we should not forget to live a little. YMMV of course.
Yes definitely you want to have enough to be comfortable but not sacrifice so much you never live.
I like some of the thoughts from die with zero .
Need enough for each stage of living but don’t want to deprive of living each stage
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 6 Jan
It’s definitely a balance
If I live up to 80 plan to retire at 65 have 20+ additional years of working
Perhaps downgrading my home Withdrawing from my nation’s compulsory retirement annuity fund Spending from government bonds, treasury bills, insurance payouts, fixed deposits, roboadvisor investments Will probably let my children inherit my BTC - but who knows?
Great forward thinking!
Thanks sensei
I do plan to live to 100+ so I need a good stack of assets to get me through. I have kids and grandkids to see grow up
5 sats \ 1 reply \ @000w2 6 Jan
I sold everything, and now am now 100% cowboy credits. Retirement in 10 years, no worries about bitcoin security or stock market crashes.
Well done on going full cowboy 🤠 yeehaw all the way
Would be pretty tough to do the math on retiring on Bitcoin, we really don't know the size of the market in the next 10, 20, 30 years, we can just assume it will be up bigly but I guess if your stack is large enough that 4-5% withdrawal can support your yearly consumption + home and maintenance cost you should be set for life.
Personally, i've zero'd my fiat finances already, if I do get something out when I retire that will be a bonus and I would burn through that first, if I am still able to work or earn an income i'll do that and just turn those fiat gains into Bitcoin and keep pushing off retirement
Great insight! Like the thought process here
59.5 years is when you can withdraw from your 401k or IRA w/o penalty
Ah yes in Aus is 60 if you are retired. 65 if you are still working
I thought it was 67 maybe that’s pension that I’m confusing with
Social Security is 66 or 67
Medicare is 65 or 66
What’s Medicare
government health insurance for senior citizens in USA
Yeah is that just access to services or do they pay that out cash?
Saving is good. Investing is fucking great. You CANNOT save yourself to wealth. That’s bullshit. You have to work, invest and say NO to things that don’t help the future you. It’s like in Harry Potter… he saved himself. No one is coming to save you. Save yourself.
Definitely true I’m more thinking around once you have enough and have saved yourself how to play out the golden years in retirement and enjoying those fruits
For my retirement I only think about one thing.
  • counterparty risk.
Fortunately, by learning about Bitcoin you can avoid this trap.
So sell down bitcoin as required or spend as Bitcoin as required once you stop working?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 6 Jan
Same here. You can only depend on yourself.
It all comes down to how long you expect to live.
If you think you will exceed 100 years of age, you will plan some ways to finance a long, healthy life.
I think Bitcoin is the best thing I have available right now.
I realize I will need wealth way into the future so I am converting my 401k to Bitcoin.
Nice work then spend and use bitcoin as required going forward
🚩 This post might be more relevant and engaging in the ~econ, ~culture, or ~Education territories.
Have we got any people in the fire movement? Financial independence retire early
I'm very interested in Fire, I've read and watch Mr. Money Mustache for a while.
If you do some research on the web, I've seen some post about Fire & BTC.
It could definitely work for fire. Depending how many cycles you have to reach your fire goal
0 sats \ 12 replies \ @nym 6 Jan
Delayed gratification
Yes but delayed til when?
Don't let yourself get mind-fucked on this by people around here. Money is for living your life. When you need it, spend it.
I came in too late for my stack to be worth that much relative to my other assets, so my plan for when I need money (for eventual retirement or super big purchases, like if we move and need a down payment) is to spend normie funds first. If you own a lot more btc as a percentage of your investment than I do, that might not be sensible.
I'd spend the CCs first, though, on posting and commenting on SN, and earning goodwill in the course of that activity. That's priceless :)
Use cash and stock holdings first if required then any other holdings after that?
That's what I'd do. But my horizon is like twenty years or so, and I expect btc to be choppily upward for that period, so worth letting it ride. But I also have zero confidence about what the price will be at any particular point in time, and it's not worth risking living under a bridge in the hopes of hyperbitcoinization Any Day Now.
I'm in the minority around here, I realize.
I also would like to be retired or semi retired in 20 years if not sooner
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 6 Jan
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @nym 6 Jan
Until you realize you didn’t need any of that stuff anyway
We will always need some sort of stuff Food and leisure activities etc?
And that will need to be paid for will it not?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 6 Jan
A lot of it has to do with luck of avoiding major tragedies
This is all a part of life
deleted by author
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 6 Jan
I'd change working with doing what they love. Another important aspect is the company, making sure you are surrounded with people you care about.
Definitely love this
Yes I have seen a lot of people seem to die after they retire and stop having something to do. I would have to find something to work on if it’s as a volunteer or something to keep active