My memory about this investment is a bit hazy but what I can recall is reading an article about how they made a breakthrough on making lunar machines. I can’t remember if the breakthrough was technological in nature or economical. But what ever it was I thought it was so cool!
I am very fascinated with space and I always wanted to own a business that was working on products and services for the space economy. So I did a little more research and I decided to get some shares of LUNR.
My entry point was tiny because this company has no revenue and to be quite frank could go to zero. If the space economy never develops then this company will never deliver returns to its shareholders or find that breakthrough product that makes this company worth owning because they are incredibly useful to the space/moon endeavors.
Once I locked my position the stock started to catch a bid and I mean a massive one
I was shocked to see a company I purchased because I like space and what their mission is would skyrocket like this. But this goes to show that markets are not efficient. I don’t understand why Wall Street or whatever investor started to gobble up shares of this company that drove the price up.
What to do next?
I can already see the Bitcoin maxis saying sell stop being a fiat chaser. Take those massive fiat gains and plow it into bitcoin. Since this stock 7x vs. BTC I will be able to accumulate more spot Bitcoin today than when I made the investment last year.
That’s great and all but
I’m not selling! 🙅
Why you may ask?
II am hoping this company can execute on its mission and be a cornerstone business in space. If that is true then these shares will be extremely valuable in both fiat or bitcoin terms and plus one can hope it becomes a forever stock that you never sell because the company is so great and pays out dividend.
Either way a solid win for me all because I read some news article and took the risk to buy shares.