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Okay, I guess somebody has to start: I'll pay anyone 1 sat for 100 CCs.
Sender must pay the 30% sybil fee, so the sender has to pay 100/0.7=142 CCs to get 1 sat from me. I will pay for lightning network fees.
Let me know if you think that's a good deal, lol.
this territory is moderated
Let me know before you want to trade so I can reply and you can zap that reply so I know you paid me. You will also have to give me a lightning address, bolt11 invoice, bolt12 offer or something I can use to send you sats. You can DM it to me using one of the options in my profile.
Given the recent changes to SN wallets, will I still be able to receive sats at jakoyoh629@stacker.news?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
If you attached a wallet and enabled proxy or direct deposit in your settings, your node is online when a zap comes in and the network fee isn’t too high for the zap amount, yes.
😨 But I zapped your post with 140 CCs! Do I need to zap reply now?
It's okay, I'll accept your payment. Now read this:
You will also have to give me a lightning address, bolt11 invoice, bolt12 offer or something I can use to send you sats. You can DM it to me using one of the options in my profile.
You can send me here : NovaRift@coinos.io
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 5 Jan
Paid 1 sat
I received. Thanks!
I believe that cowboy credit is merely a remedy—a fix for the decline in user experience when SN transitioned to a noncustodial model. Nothing more.
After transitioning to noncustodial, zaps require both parties to have their wallets set up. If either party hasn't set up their wallet, the zap will fail. During the early stages of this transition, the proportion of users with properly set up wallets is low, which means most zaps would fail. This would be unacceptable for SN. As a result, cowboy credit was introduced: users who cannot accept Bitcoin would receive cowboy credit instead. Consequently, SN had to prepare an entire mechanism to handle the "issuance" and "consumption" of cowboy credit.
From a conspiracy theory perspective, some might argue that Cowboy Credit is akin to issuing paper money. However, I disagree with this view—I trust SN.
Actually, cowboy credits aren’t bad. I find that I don’t have to hesitate that fervently anymore when I post since I can use the cowboy credits anyway
I should undercut you by 1 sat
CC devaluation 🤣
91 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
setting a first market price
Consider this the equivalent of pizza day for CCs, lol
You have a CC printer running… tell the truth! 😅
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 5 Jan
I am buying CCs, I am not selling them so any printer wouldn't help me, would it?
I was joking.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @ama 5 Jan
I haven't been able to understand how to (consciously) use CCs. Apparently, I must be doing something with them (paying fees, probably), since I currently have a small proportion of what I've received.
Anyway, my question would be: in case I wanted to sell them, how could I intentionally send them to someone (you, for example, if I was taking this buy offer)?
I asked somewhere else whether it's possible to chose when zapping between sats and CCs, but I got no answer. Could it be because nobody knows or because it's a secret like all the thingies cowboy (hats, horses, etc.)? XD
155 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
Anyway, my question would be: in case I wanted to sell them, how could I intentionally send them to someone (you, for example, if I was taking this buy offer)?
Go to wallets and disable all sending wallets. Then you will zap CCs.
Let me know before you want to trade so I can reply and you can zap that reply so I know you paid me. You will also have to give me a lightning address, bolt12 or something I can use to send you sats. You can DM it to me using one of the options in my profile.
I asked somewhere else whether it's possible to chose when zapping between sats and CCs, but I got no answer.
not possible yet except disabling wallets as mentioned above
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 5 Jan
Very wise, @ek. Cc's have a real value for territory owners. I need to come up with 50k sats or cowboy credits in a few days. I think I'll outbid you.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ama 5 Jan
I see, thank you. I don't really want to do the trade, just wanted to understand a little how to use CCs. And even if I wanted to sell them, I don't have many left, anyway. :-)
I want to BUY 100 CCs for one satoshi.
Thanks for the sats though.
And I want to buy 100 sats for 1 CC. Call me a CC maxi shitcoiner, I'm open to adjectives. Sats and CCs both are fulfilling the same purpose inside SN, so the value of both must be equivalent, or should be treated as equivalent.
If you say 1 sat = 100 ccs.
To put the balance on such trades, I'd say my 1 cc = 100 sats.
Comeon, give me 1000 CCs at least for my 110 sats. (One time offer, no negotiations).
I second @Coinsreporter ‘s thoughts. I would also argue that CCs are even more unique than SATs, as they can only be acquired through SN, therefore justifying the ratio of cc:sats = 1:100
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @AGORA 5 Jan
@Darthcoin has a similar and less convenient, active offer #723069
He's a market manipulator
What a great business plan. I'm ready to acquire 3m CCs for 30k sats and pay for "forever" territory plan. Deal?
I zapped this 100 cc's. Send sat please.
40 sats \ 8 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
Send me invoice 👀
144 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
1 sat paid
Do you really think that was a good deal for you, especially as a territory founder? 👀
I wonder what @Undisciplined would say as your territory partner.
No, I didn't have 100 cc's so I had to spend sats to get them but I wanted to do it anyways. I am pro cc's/sats market.
40 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
I see, you did it for the greater good. You shall be remembered as the first one who sold CCs for sats.
Making history is never a huge mistake.
It's a nice offer; everybody's gonna participate 😂.
I'm also running a market, if anytime you need CCs, you can get them from me at a premium.
1 CC = 100 sats.
I'm bullish for CCs.
A good deal, but I'm fine.
(I understand that it is an open offer for everyone and not just for those who have complained)
My (Cc) 💳🤠 I will use them to move around SN.
Yesterday with the first day and with insufficient work because I hardly participated in SN during the day, due to my demands of the Muggle life. I was able to get a ratio of 5/1 with respect to what I collected during the day including the rewards at the end of the day.
5 to 1 ratio, where 1 were the (Cc) 💳🤠 and 5 the (SATS) ⚡ that I managed to get. That is, value is still being collected in SN.
"Only if you are worthy"
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 5 Jan
Enough SN for now...
I'll pay 2 )))
Logically there's really no real reason to take that offer. If you're zapping content you shouldn't be accruing a ton of CC anyhow, at least currently.
40 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 5 Jan
Logically there's really no real reason to take that offer
May I introduce you to @grayruby? He can render any model of a market obsolete.
55 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 5 Jan
Don't let logic get in the way of history.
I yield to the expert in that case. 🤣
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @AG 5 Jan
Interesting offer! Is the number of CCs unlimited or cap at certain amount? How have you defined the peg 100/1? or is just a kind of airdrop give-away? Do you offer the sats too, I mean 1sat for 100CCs?
Is the number of CCs unlimited or cap at certain amount?
I pinned #837512 that explains that you should reply first before you expect me to trade with you. So consider this offer to be gone at any time at my discretion.
How have you defined the peg 100/1?
I pulled it out of my ass.
or is just a kind of airdrop give-away?
How can this be considered a give-away? I am buying CCs and I am offering 1 sat for every 100 CCs.
Do you offer the sats too, I mean 1sat for 100CCs?
What do you mean with "too"? I only offer sats. I am buying 100 CCs for one satoshi. I don't sell CCs.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @AG 5 Jan
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 5 Jan
Is my post confusing? Could I have written it better?
It sounds like many didn't understand that I am not a market maker. I am just someone who wants to buy CCs at 100:1, not 1:1 as is possible in /credits.
55 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 5 Jan
Well, it's hard to define something straight forward in a multicultural space like this. For example, the title could also have been: [SELL] 1sat for 100 cowboy credits
Anyway, what's confusing is maybe the fees related with the SN system. You could have suggested a perfect deal process like:
  1. comment below if interested, mentioning the amount of sats you want and your preferred LN address (if different from the SN one)
  2. due to SN sybil fees (at your cost), I'll expect you to zap my response to your comment 142ccs/sat, so if you want 10 sats, zap my comment 1420ccs
  3. I'll send the sats to the LN address you mention in the first comment or directly to your@stacker.news
This is just an option, I believe there are many other ways to close the deal. Focusing on being transparent and making it easier for the buyer is always a good strategy.
I'm also assuming sending ccs to other stackers is possible exclusively via zapping comments.
Hey, I have zapped you 140 CCs.
The hot potato aspect (#736107) of CCs is wonderful to see
sender has to pay 100/0.7=142 CCs
It should be 143, if you want to recieve exact 100 CCs.
I don't have 142 CCs, if you have just zap and see otherwise it'll be a big loss for you in the end.
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