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Going with this metaphor, I am horrible at keeping my inbound capacity up. That's because I'm naturally introverted, and when given a choice of what to do, I prefer to do things by myself than with other people. Thus, I don't naturally seek out friends and acquaintances to spend time together, and relationships grow cold and distant easily.
I don't feel too bad about it, as I've come to be at peace with who I am. But I do recognize it as something I can improve on.
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I'm a little bit that way, and the nice thing is that it means that it doesn't actually take that much to make a quite big difference, relatively.
For instance, if your inbound is 1000 sats (obv ridiculous, but speaking metaphorically) then doubling it is really cheap; but even though it's cheap, that represents a massive growth of opportunity.
If you double anything whose scarcity is constraining your life, it probably makes a big difference. That's a v optimistic thought.
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