pull down to refresh

{ "workername": "3Gk1GfP3bHA6M2ZzK5mHdqbWN1iNsqAenH", "hashrate1m": "4.49P", "hashrate5m": "4.47P", "hashrate1hr": "4.39P", "hashrate1d": "2.28P", "hashrate7d": "482T", "lastshare": 1735990450, "shares": 134921892167, "bestshare": 1652742553786.171, "bestever": 1652742553786 }
The best share/ever can be written as 1,652,742,553,786 and the current difficulty is 1,735,862,400,000.
If the first number was equal or higher than the second we would've found the block. Is that correct?
I just thought of something ChatGPT called selfish mining or block withhold attack which doesn't make sense in a solo mining pool like CK but for the ones that distribute payment per block found it is theoretically possible.
It would require miners running rogue firmware but it is possible, that's super interesting.
Hmm, where did you find the current difficulty number?
I see current network difficulty is 109 trillion, per Clark Moody dashboard [1]
Best Share: 1,652,742,553,786 Network Difficulty: 109,782,075,598,910
Thank you for the correction @evanbaer!
I got the number from https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/charts/difficulty and they offer a "download JSON" option, but it comes with so much data that I got the wrong one.
Fuck my life dude, we got so god damn close 😂 feels exciting tho!