Like most people, I was a blue pill, then took the redpill, then the blackpill, then the whitepill, and then back to the blackpill. We are doomed. Period.
Human race is doomed. Call me a pessimist, a cynic, whatever, I dont care. Reality is undeniably at this point. And please, I'm not talking about climate change, or any other bullshit. I'm talking about few humans killing BILLIONS of other humans, PURPOSELY!
The current global elites are the most brutal, cold and evil people that ever existed in the whole history of this planet (maybe this galaxy?). They are the real disease. Their power makes them godlike beings compared to us, and that is a problem, the biggest one.
Their plan? First, depopulation(planned wars, pandemics, social chaos, financial collapse, famine etc.etc). Then total control for the ones who survived (800 millions tops?), then trans-humanism (AI + implants), total "borgification". Then expand to other planets, then other solar systems, then other galaxies.
Bear with me. This is going to be bad, bad for the universe. This elite, and their psychotic mentality, expanding to the stars? this is a bad idea. If they can do horrible things to their own kind, imagine other alien races?
My only hope at this point: A giant asteroid hit us so bad, that every human cell should be vanished from this place, for ever.
Please, change my mind.