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Please start being the elites of Europe... and stop being such pussies... I am tired of seeing such pussies over Europe! Get your balls together!
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My grandfather fought both WW wars against nazis... (germans). But he told me, when I was like 10 years old, amazing stories about german people! Imagine, he was pushing by soviet people behind to conquer the german territory, against his will. When he came back after the war, he told me incredible stories...
I HAVE MUCH RESPECT FOR GERMAN PEOPLE. But nowadays are so pussies! Not anymore the heart of the Europe!
Hey germans... please come back to Europe!
Please let the stories out.
1- This is one of my favorite songs 2- Is there a chance that one day you will be able to tell some of those stories?
Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Allen!!
Love this song, and considering the age of these guys they're still absolutely killing it.
And the message behind it all, really massive, I agree and it's not just Germany, but a very large portion of Europe where patriotism and pride in heritage is seen as intolerance of other cultures. We need to be a melting pot of ideas and culture, respectful of each other, and just a little less sensitive.
Love that song!
is not about the song... is about the message... is a parody to nowadays situation, but people see this video the wrong way. Try to understand the lyrics... with the right images. Are very well synchronized. It's a deep message inside. Even the final of the video is sending a message. Each part of the video have a meaning.
I know! And I totally get what you are saying! That's why I love this song! In my politics class we take this video and analyze it in 9th grade.
Same with "Leider Geil" from Deichkind in terms of freedom and responsibility