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I have so many thoughts but not time to express them, so here's a handful:
  • This has been a revealing exercise wrt the state of the btc ecosystem, what it means to build stuff and operate a business, the various frictions (including political and legal frictions) that are relevant, etc. It's really driven a wedge between "what is technically possible" and "what will the current ecosystem support".
  • Your learning journey (and mine) are actually the coolest things here, even though it's confusing and weird and frustrating. We'll wind up with some deep understandings of some things that could not have been arrived at through other means.
  • How will the site react to this changeover? How much does the activity here truly depend on earning sats? Or rather: how does earning sats influence the nature of the activity that's here? What unexpected consequence of cowboy credits?
  • Are there other ways that SN could occupy a useful place in the btc-relevant universe, given the imposed constraints? What if SN become some kind of hub, either formally or not?
  • Will anything change w/ regulatory clarity and the advent of the Trump administration?
  • What if SN HQ moved to Uruguay? Or El Salvador? Or that seastead whose name I forget, from Patri Friedman?
It's hard to foresee the answers, but an exciting and consequential time to bear witness and play a part. Something you might consider is how your posts could document aspects of this journey for others -- you're already contributing interesting things by seeding the conversation w/ your experience.
truly, all good questions. Thank you!
TLDR for SN change on Jan 3rd
What if SN HQ moved to Uruguay? Or El Salvador?
You don't have to. You just have to say to any gov: FUCK OFF, YOU HAVE NO JURISDICTION OVER ME. but yeah, you need big balls for that.
I will personally challenge any gov to show me how they can have any jurisdiction over my sats or even a word to say about them.
Being a bitcoiner it means also TO DEFY ANY GOV. Otherwise... we are back to square one.
I personally know a handful of ungovernable types who are now being ungovernable in prison for tax evasion. I think your prospects depend a lot on the country you're in and whether you're trying to run a business or not.
Perhaps you will prove more ungovernable than they.
who are now being ungovernable in prison for tax evasion.
losers that didn't know how to "play" the system, they play it as shitizens. shitizens MUST pay taxes.
Take example here how you play the system with their own tools: https://www.losthorizons.com/BulletinBoard.htm
I said many times:
  • shitizens MUST pay taxes, is their duty and is a crime not paying because is a violation of contact.
  • sovereign individuals do not have to pay anything to anybody, only if there's a specific contract.
What is going to happen from 3rd of January here? Does it also affects me?
👉but yeah, you need big balls for that.
Yes, because Stacker News is based in the United States of America. It would be injurious to health if they say this 😂
See pinned post on front page: #814839
BREAKING NEWS: stackers are not reading SN pinned posts.
I wonder if they read also SN FAQ and SN guide from the bottom, if they do not see the top pinned posts on top...
Nope, I did see it but it didn't make any sense to me. Now I see I need to attach a wallet to send and receive sats only. But your meme said that Stacker News will be governed by laws related to it.