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You're helping to perpetuate a false narrative, according to Dane Wigington's most recent news report: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-december-28-2024/#comments
You are basically helping to obfuscate the very obvious global weather control program, which is the main thing exacerbating everything. Are you aware of that?
Which is the false narrative, that many more people die of cold than heat or that the climate is not really doing anything unusual, except for what geoengineering is doing? I am aware that the geoengineering is altering a whole hell of a lot of weather systems all over the globe. Witness all of the ”once-in-a-thousand-years” floods and storms going on. You also have to take into account the pure amount of volcanic eruptions around the ring of fire at this time. I don’t know if I am obfuscating anything or not at this time. I do know I dislike Be-ill Gates approach to anything he does, though.
I didn't mean you were trying to obfuscate. Just that the whole "warming/cooling/climate change" argument over nomenclature is distracting to people who would otherwise care about the geoengineering thing more. Completely on the same page with you, though.