But I did help out a bit - such as https://btcmap.org listing, and printing of stickers
I already have the btcmap app and check it regularly but so far, almost nothing near my area. I guess I need to travel ;)
as I've seen them use Muun
We need to tell them to stop using Muun so they can save on fees.
The problem I've seen with both places is that if they forget to switch to "lightning mode" then you might accidentally send an on-chain transaction.
What is the reaction when you ask to pay with bitcoin? Are the waiters confused or give you a look? Do they know the difference between on-chain or lightining? Does it start a conversation?
I guess it's normal now because these transactions are happening every day.
My Portuguese sucks so haven't (yet) tried making a convo with other staff members about it..
My main focus is on-boarding more establishments, so that we can "beat" Porto (who have 4 places on btcmap.org at present)
Bitcoin Braga here we come