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I live in a country where the internet is the most expensive and slowest in the world, electricity in many places lasts only 3 hours. Salaries are rubbish and there are not a few basic things. In such an environment it might seem that Bitcoin has limited use and adoption. Not at all, in such a place Bitcoin is more than necessary. So don't let them tell you that you can't have Bitcoin and that you can't become your own bank.
4 months ago I started to go down the rabbit hole, from the beginning I have heard "you must be your own bank" that doesn't mean that you have your private keys as I thought at first, that means that you have your own node. A question have you heard about @DarthCoin, well he always emphasizes that idea. But I always said "yes of course why aren't they here" I always thought it was impossible, but I thought it would be impossible that on the small island where I live we could get people together in the same space to talk about Bitcoin and that is already happening.
But many people here were always talking about the connection speed and all the problems, so I thought it wouldn't be possible. But believe me when I tell you that @DarthCoin gets into your head. So I tried it and not only did I try it, I did it, I installed BLIXT and I have my private node.
Was it easy? Let me explain, installing the wallet and making the Onchain transaction, it was easy, the problem was the SYNCHRONIZATION. Around 10 hours, but it synchronized and I HAVE MY PRIVATE NODE.
SO DON'T LET THEM TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN'T DO IT. TRY IT, if it goes wrong then you learned, of course you should always read and research first. But if you succeed, then you can tell others THAT THEY CAN TOO
Entonces puedo decir que tengo 2 nodos privados en Cuba. Parecía que no. Pero se pudo. He usado conexión 4G, 3G y Wifi. Tanto Blixt como Breez han funcionado. Envío, recibo, apertura de canal (2 en Blixt, 1 con depósito Onchain y 1 con depósito Lightning) Breez 1 canal abierto con depósito Lightning.
En realidad mejor imposible. Ahora a usarlos correctamente y enseñar a otros a usarlos.
Tu nodo, tu banco
Siempre los memes, este tan bueno como los anteriores.
Hoy en la mañana abrí mi Blixt, toda la noche offline el móvil porque estaba cargando. Dije vamos a ver si es verdad. Abrí la Blixt y poom!!! Sincronización rápida. Hermano, gracias por enseñarme el camino. Ahora tengo que seguir estudiando. 💎👏
Solamente la primera sincronizacion tarda mas. Luego solo actualiza los ultimos blocques desde cuando lo has cerrado. Ver que tienes una opcion de ponerlo en modo "persistent". Esta opcion hace que el servicio de LND esta siempre conectado. Pero cuidado, esto te va a comer los datos y como ya sabemos que to conexion no es como en otros lugares, no seria muy util. Ademas si no lo utilizas todo el dia, no se falta ponerlo en modo persistente. Es solo bien saberlo. Esta opcion es buena para un comerciante con una tablet usando Blixt todo el dia.
Hi @DarthCoin. I'm trying to open a channel using Lightning Network on Blixt. I've tried several times and it always fails, I keep the app open in a floating window and it still fails and the source wallet always tells me that Blixt is not online even when it is well synchronized and even in persistent mode.
Any suggestions? Thanks
maybe the destination peer is not online. Be careful to which peers are you opening channels. To check if your Blixt node is synced, go to settings and in node info you should see "synced to chain" and "synced to graph". If you do not see that, you have syncing issues.
Ahora sincronicé Breez. Más rápido que Blixt. Abrí canal con depósito Lightning, duplicó el depósito. Pago fijo de 2500 SAT. Rápido. Pero hay 2 cosas
1 El respaldo es Google Drive con un correo
2 La interfaz me es incómoda, debe ser hasta que me acostumbre. No tiene una interfaz como Blixt donde veo el canal y tal.
Una pregunta y perdona mi ignorancia. Se plantea que Breez es un nodo, es así? Es que no lo veo como Blixt, lo veo más como Phoenix. Aunque sé que se pueden abrir varios canales y esa función es de los nodos.
Iluminame. He leído las guías, pero no me ha quedado claro.
Si, Breez tambien es un nodo LND
Problem solved. I contacted the Blixt telegram support group and everything works perfectly. A 400k channel was created for me. Very good.
Gracias amigo. Siempre educando. Voy siguiendo tus recomendaciones y compartiendo con los que voy enseñando.
Nice job! I have started planning to host local meetup after being inspired by your story. Will post updates on SN after the first iteration. Fiat delenda est!
Thank you for your words. We are very happy to know that our story is useful to others. Today we were preparing a place where the LA IslaBTC community will soon have a Bitcoin Center with the prospect of being a business that will logically be accepting Bitcoin.
Yes, it takes a few hours and days to synchronize. Congrats on setting up your own node, its a huge step in yourself and supporting the network!
You should be really careful with Blixt. It heavily relay on good neutrino peers to sync. So with your bad connection not sure if is the best way to use Blixt or Zeus.
Can you make a ping test to these well known neutrino peers? and see what time response you get?
btcd1.lnolymp.us | btcd2.lnolymp.us - for US region sg.lnolymp.us - for Asia region btcd-mainnet.lightning.computer - for US region uswest.blixtwallet.com (Seattle) - for US region europe.blixtwallet.com (Germany) - for EU region asia.blixtwallet.com - for Asia region node.eldamar.icu - for US region noad.sathoarder.com - for US region bb1.breez.technology | bb2.breez.technology - for US region neutrino.shock.network - US region
En el caso de Zeus no he logrado nada de sincronización, es decir llega hasta 70% aproximadamente y después nada más. Con Blixt la sincronización inicial duró 10 horas, pero desde entonces todo bien. Incluso he enviado, recibido y todo bien y rápido. También en la Isla donde vivo la conexión con la compañía proveedora es bastante buena, el problema es la salida de la compañía hacia internet. Aunque sé que es un nodo privado y no es necesario que esté online constantemente, yo lo mantengo online. Porque casi siempre estoy conectado
Esta fue la respuesta al ping
not bad ! Is pretty good !