Good afternoon, good morning, good evening or good night whoever you are, wherever you are! This is a chill time we're about to have together. We are listening to waltz and sipping from a steaming mug while we reflect on the year we've had. Welcome! Find a comfortable place to sit! I'll share first, then I hope you will join in.
I am so blessed that my parents have been able to purchase a piece of property and develop it into a sort of homestead for themselves. My mom loves gardening more than anything, it keeps her together. And my dad wouldn't admit it but he loves caring for the animals. They're easing into their retirement years with a flock of chickens, a pair of kittens, multiples of grandchildren, and I've never seen them better.
My dear friend's curious black cat sketched by me. I plan to paint this portrait, this sketch was my first pass at reproducing the image. I haven't tried anything further, but I hope to visit the art supply store this weekend to purchase paint and other things. I think about painting all the time, I'm motivated to begin working on that soon.
The same friend made this gift for me to celebrate my birthday. We are a writing group and we refer to ourselves as "the worms," colloquially, and Wilson's Writings Worms, formally. I am given the title "farmer" as a joke but that tells you how often I talk, think, dream about owning property and doing something useful/cool with it.
My mother came to visit for my birthday. We enjoyed an autumnal stroll through the public gardens and stumbled upon the nearly secret "Poetry Garden" where mosaics like this one where fashioned into the walls. This morning was one of the most peaceful of the whole year. The gardens were so beautiful and the excitement of exploring the path brought all my attention to the present.
Spent a lot of time at the library this year. Spent a lot of time sketching chairs, too. I don't know why chairs, but I know why library. Library is so good.
Visited Bitcoin Park, Nashville, USA. I like being part of a really strong network. I like being involved in the movement I'm involved in. What is it? Not really sure, couldn't tell you very well. Working on that.
Another chair. This one, a vacation chair from a week with my family at the lake. Time stops when we take this trip.
This is in here to do two things: 1. show you how I am a dork 2. but also cool at the same time (how does she do it?)
The biggest flower arrangement I did this year. I was proud of this! It sat in a beautiful business fancy lobby for a whole week and I'm sure it collected compliments there. I don't get assigned to do flower arrangements often anymore. I quit working as a florist a couple years ago and now just handle indoor potted plants. I miss the blooms! I miss the color! Making arrangements is painting with flowers! It rocks!
A photo from the quiet reading room at the library. It is my habit to pick up the current issue of
The Paris Review and browse through it before I begin anything else. Most of the time it makes me disgruntled because it offends me when the selections for this particular collection do not take enough risk and do not dazzle me. Sometimes they dazzle me.
A photo of me walking beside the one constant in my life. Not the ocean, my husband. When this picture was taken, I remember that I couldn't really feel my life happening, I couldn't get in touch with myself. It was a moment that I didn't understand the significance of. The photo captures that. Him and I, separately, are pretty insignificant individuals just trying to do our best, make a good life. Him and I together, we are all that is. We are the constant
is, the material we use to build life out of.
Stacker News, thanks a whole lot for this year. I'm having a lot of fun being here for the news, rants, random facts, living stories. It was my intent to give you a look into my life since I so enjoy when you do the same. Let's keep being friends, okay?