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Since I've stopped believing in the standard narrative in general, I also don't believe the standard narrative about 9/11.
But I don't quite know what else to believe. Is there a non-mainstream consensus?
Is it true that the planes crashing into the twin towers did NOT cause them to collapse? And that instead it was explosives, planted in the buildings, that caused them to collapse? Like the way you demolish a building on purpose?
Who actually orchestrated it, and why?
I've listened to Tom Woods (famous libertarian podcaster) for years now, and I don't believe he's ever touched this topic. And that makes me think...maybe the mainstream story could be true. OR, he knows it's deadly to even "go there" - i.e. talk about alternative theories as to what happened.
Somebody give me some pointers, please, to what you think is reliable information on 9/11.
9/11 happened when I was too young and not yet "awaken" to the lies of the mainstream media.
But from what I've heard, the theory is that some people knew the terrorist attack was going to happen, that someone took out a huge insurance policy on the World Trade Center, and that explosives were used to actually bring the towers down. One of the arguments I've heard is that the towers wouldn't come crashing down like that from a plane flying into it.
That's the extent of what I've heard, and it's not something I've really studied so I don't know whether to believe it or not. I definitely don't rule it out, at least not without personally delving into the evidence more.
All the terrorists had expired student visas
But immigration makes us stronger
Tom's never been a big conspiracy guy. I don't think he sees it as too dangerous to go near. More likely, he just hasn't heard any credible alternative explanation. That's sort of where I am too.
The official story literally doesn't make sense, because it doesn't account for the building that fell down without being struck.
My view on most of the conspiracy theories I've heard is just that they don't have very good supporting evidence. I certainly think the US Government is sinister enough to have done any of them, but I still haven't seen a convincing account of what happened.
There was a short clip, that of course doesn't exist any more, by a channel talking to some policemen in front of the third building. They were restricting access to it before it collapsed and they said that it was planned to control demolish it soon. Something like that. I think it was Alex Jones talking about it? Also that day the air force was doing a military exercise and all the aerial defense on the east coast was down because of that. Coincidence... And what about the pentagon? Wasn't it hit on the same day? A third "plane" crashed on the pentagon creating a huge hole on one side but there were 0 airplane parts on site... And everybody stopped talking about it because it was so badly orchestrated... Googling about 9/11 conspiracy theories nowadays only shows mainstream articles debunking conspiracy theories. Why so many articles and effort to do that..?
See my other reply about the Zeitgeist movie... Mind-blowing facts... 🤯
I think it was a false flag attack to get us to go after cheap oil. Bush administration could have set up charges on the towers they are the only ones who would have clearance to do such a thing and no one would notice. They say the planes have the ability to be taken over remote in case something happened to the pilot so who knows if those planes were actually flown in remotely and the guys who took the planes over were just fall guys
Start Here at Episode 001. What On Earth Is Happening back in 2010. The material builds on previous material so it's important to start at episode 001.
9/11 is covered in a few episodes.
  1. 9/11 was a false flag operation designed to get us involved in two wars and many others. If also facilitated more surveillance and power to the Federal government against the civilian population via Homeland Security.
  2. Three buildings fell down and two buildings were hit by planes. How did the third building collapse? The same way the other two buildings collapsed. Controlled demolition.
  3. It was an occult sacrificial offering.
  4. It was to hide a Pentagon budget that was missing billions of accountability. Oddly enough the evidence of the budget issue was in the Third building that fell down after not getting hit by anything.
  5. There's a BBC report on television where the building is announced collapsed before the building actually fell by 30 seconds.
  6. You can expect more false flag operations like COVID to come.
Yep, the third building really gives away the plan. I remember it going down with no reason.
And still no explanation. That's the one that really triggers normies if you bring it up, because they have no answer, but also know that you're the crazy one.
I think they had SOME kind of explanation for the third building going down. And I remember being a little bit confused and wondering, but basically not thinking about it too much.
Maybe that's where I could start.
It's been a while since I tried to dive into all this. My recollection is that they abandoned the initial explanation and just went with something vague about the building being in poor repair.
The official explanations also don't account for the reports about how the building was expected to collapse soon. Those started long before it actually fell. They never, as far as I know, revealed why it was expected to collapse.
Thanks for all the replies, I will take a look at some of the sources.
Also once again - I love Yandex.com, the Russian search website. I search for 9/11 truther on google.com, and get NOTHING but "debunking conspiracy theories" stuff like this:
But I got to Yandex.com, and find sites that look much more promising:
The US gave weapons to middle eastern freedom fighters to fight the USSR. The freedom fighters did fight the USSR but it was not the only thing they fought.
Watch the Zeitgeist movie... From 35:50 they get into 9/11 https://youtu.be/XpB-mM8EvBE
They go through these points (generated with AI):
  • Controlled Demolition Theory: The film suggests that the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings resembled a controlled demolition rather than a result of the plane impacts and subsequent fires.
  • Building 7 Collapse: It highlights the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, as suspicious and indicative of a controlled demolition.
  • NORAD Stand-down: The documentary questions the failure of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to intercept the hijacked planes, suggesting that standard operating procedures were deliberately ignored or altered.
  • Financial Motives: It proposes that the attacks were orchestrated or allowed to happen to justify military actions in the Middle East, benefiting defense contractors and oil companies.
  • Pentagon Attack: The film raises doubts about the official account of the Pentagon attack, questioning the lack of extensive debris from Flight 77 and the damage pattern on the building.
  • Flight 93: The documentary casts doubt on the official narrative of United Airlines Flight 93, suggesting that it may have been shot down by the military rather than crashed due to passenger intervention.
  • Pre-knowledge and Insider Trading: It claims there was foreknowledge of the attacks, citing unusual stock market activity, such as put options on airlines, in the days leading up to September 11.
  • Media Manipulation: The film argues that mainstream media played a role in perpetuating the official narrative and suppressing alternative theories and evidence.
Also from watching it now, they also discuss about the "terrorists" that were on board of the planes, some of them were alive days later... And they also discuss about having simulated scenarios were this exact attack was researched, even though they denied afterwards ever having prepared for something like this.
Don’t forget about the put options!
What On Earth is Happening
Start at 001
The US was attacked just as the US has attacked many other nations over the years. How and why the towers collapsed is not so important although it seems probable that the collapse was caused by the impact of the planes and the subsequent fires weakening the structure and causing a classic vertical demolition to result. For the real conspiracy look at why the Teleban did this- because the US demanded the Teleban provide secure route for Unocals proposed pipeline taking oil fro Khazakstan- the Teleban response was that Unocal must negotiate with each provincial leader if they want to build and secure their pipeline was not met with acceptance from Washington. The US imperialist was shown it cannot demand what it wants from the Teleban who again rule this resource rich but hugely impoverished strategic geography.
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