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Convenient starter for Lightning Network driven web apps.
Since the inception of the lightning network and the development of the ln-url standard, the holy grail of "bank as a web app" is not only a reality but only 5 minutes of set up time and about 30$ of hosting costs away. This starter implements such an app. Authentication and Users are already there, and basic in- and out flow of purchasing power is taken care of. Users can authenticate themselves, deposit and withdraw up to 1000 sats. Whatever happens in between is up to the developer.
If you have any feedback i'm happy to hear it in the comments. If you find any bugs or issues please report them in the issues section of the repository.
Happy Hacking!
Also please don't hesitate to make an account and deposit/withdraw a few sats just to see if it works (lnd routing).
I deposited 10 sats, paid 7 sats as fee and then wanted to withdraw 10 sats. Was only able to withdraw 9 sats (makes sense, due to minimum fees) and now it shows a negative balance:
Well dude, it looks like you owe me some money. Expect an invoice in your PO box soon...
Thanks for checking it out. On a serious note: I'll dig into the transactions after work today. I always suspected requested vs. settled sat amounts are going to be a bitch. Interestingly i've never paid that much fees when testing. I wonder why this is.
I use Phoenix if that helps.
Guess my default tip already makes up more than enough for the negative balance, haha
Nice work! I haven't taken a deep look yet, but consider adding a liberal license to the repo so people feel more comfortable using it.
Thanks for pointing this out. I've added a MIT license.