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Maybe the system is broken.
Perhaps the leaderboard and rewards are the real scam. Why not just have straight up p2p v4v sats only?
How about, less sats flying around for no clear reason, except to pad the pockets of a few, top grade, been around the longest, assmilkers.
What do you want to see stacker news become? #826061
Why not just have straight up p2p v4v sats only?
I have to agree with your reasoning @ek. Charity, in this case, needs some sort of incentive. Of course, then you cannot call it charity, but incentive.
What I think is that if you rely on non-public zaps, which only the sender and receiver can see, how would people know which posts are worthwhile the use of their time and which are not useful. There has to be a measure to tell them apart and as @DarthCoin likes to remind us: ”Make them pay!” That will have the effect of both discouraging spam and rewarding useful and liked posts, but comes with the added cases of assmilking. It is a conundrum.
It looks like SN chose to have useful information passed about the posts, discourage spam and increase the population of the users all at the same time. Congratulations!! However, you still get assmilkers. I think that those parasites will not go away until the general population of users learns to descend who is doing what.
Since I am only a nooby, I will not call out whom I see as assmilkers, I will just not zap them and not answer them if they raise my ire. That is pretty damn simple and everyone can decide for themselves. Is there really a reason for everybody to bellyache and think further about this matter?
No, you already "sold" me. And I am not buying. Maybe you don't even know what you are shilling?
I see you edited your comment so my reply makes less sense now. I also see you don't want to engage with my argument about "charity doesn't scale" in a honest discussion, so I don't see any reason to continue engaging with you or any of your other David accounts.
Makes sense.
I wouldn't either if I were you.
Luckily I am me.
And I see what I see.
And I will keep sharing what I see until you change something.
If you are in the right, you have nothing to be worried about. Must be good to be you. Worry free, right?
That's okay, you don't need to.