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Bitcoin was designed to make you rich.
But beware, it's not the wealth you immediately think of when you read the word rich.
The wealth Bitcoin brings you exceeds the financial profit in weak money. Unfortunately, the majority of participants in this market forget this. They only think of one thing: maximizing their profits in weak money.
If you understand the kind of wealth that Bitcoin offers, then you'll have an advantage over 95% (at least) of the participants in this market.
You'll be able to take advantage of the natural advantage that Bitcoin offers. This advantage is that by becoming a no matter what HODLer and by being patient, you will obtain the two essential riches that Bitcoin offers you.
These two riches are time and freedom.
Bitcoin will give you time to live freely on your own terms.
As long as I can 10x or more what I have into it in the next 20 years I’ll be happy
Indeed, its given me optionality, but having more options means you need to learn to say no, and deeply think about the cost-benefit of yes
It's also reduced my stress levels like crazy, while im still a workaholic nut I don't feel that pressure afterwards like what do I do with my savings like I used to and I can focus on what I am good at, which has been a great weight off my shoulders and my compulsion to stress eat
It anything Bitcoin has shown me is that a majority of people are moving backwards quickly. We are staying still, unless one keeps stacking. It also frames wealth on the planet, in that you will not grow poorer as long as that pile of sats is expanding.
You will never have enough Bitcoin, and not everyone realizes this yet.
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32 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 27 Dec 2024
lol, just looked up what it means
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