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The data is good I like that but we don’t need to give rewards for using sn? I agree you should get your splits on referral and territory but just for using sn I don’t think it’s needed
I had to read this and think about it. At first I did not agree but now I think you are right. The "lottery" type feeling is no good. At the same time rewarding peoples work is good. I have definitely benefited from the reward.
Now when I do a deep think about it am curious as to the the sats spent verses gain. I think the key here as that by being a reader and not necessarily a writer you can get paid for zapping great content. Thus you are performing a service. Otherwise you are assmilking ( @DarthCoin ) and assmilking has no reward.
One of the original attractions to Stacker News was that you could be rewarded for reading. You are a paid editor and not just a vanity press operator.