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Honestly, this isn't false humility or a Groucho Marx thing, but @grayruby AND @Undisciplined both deserve this, if you accept the premise that this contest is a good idea to begin with.(I'm not sure it is) I simply didn't have the time or energy this year that I had for SN last year. These two were there every day, posting, commenting, creating a podcast, AND, best of all, not ass milking. I'm just trying to be objective. For instance, the two of them, solely considering comments, basically propped up discussions until the rest of us discovered good posts. Zapping as well. It was a day in, day out effort.
Having nothing better to do is not a good reason to win Stacker of the year. However, one of the reasons I voted for Undisciplined was the fact that he does this while holding down a full time job (or at least a job that pays him as a full time employee- whether he actually does anything at said job remains a mystery).
I do appreciate the consideration but I think my focus has been mostly on the territory this year and I casually popped into discussions on other subjects but I haven't had the in depth conversations on other subject that I did pre territory. Maybe that is part of the reason you feel you didn't put as much time and energy in. Regardless how active you want to be in them or not, 3 territories is a time and energy commitment.
Truthfully, only reason I didn't vote for you is because I thought everyone else would. So I took the Libertarian party candidate. Haha.
Maybe it is not a good idea but when @coinsreporter proposed the idea to me I told him I liked the idea and to give it a go. I think it is good to experiment. If it is not something stackers like or are interested in then maybe it will be a one time thing.
whether he actually does anything at said job remains a mystery
To me as well
Ha. I laughed out loud. My daughter said "what is funny daddy".
I didn't know how to explain it.
If it is not something stackers like or are interested in then maybe it will be a one time thing.
What do you say now? Is it something that stackers have liked or we're just recieving mixed emotions?
I agree with all you said. @grayruby and @Undisciplined have been putting in a lot of efforts and so are you. I don't remember a day when one of you three have missed to contribute. You, grayruby and Undisciplined are like a v4v trioka who you're sure to find on every value content.
this contest is a good idea to begin with.(I'm not sure it is).
Well, a lot needs to be changed for the next year, I accept. We're doing it for the first time and it has a lot of flaws. For instance it would've been better to consider SN top filter. For stacker of the year, I could've turned to top filter to only take 5 or 10 but then there are hidden stackers. But for the next year, I've some bigger plans and I'll try to correct these flaws by may be running it for entire year. I want this to be some sort of inspiration for stackers to provide value content. I'll open up more on this after the awards show for this year.