Max number of open HTLCs is 483. You can probably push more payments per second through a channel between direct peers, but when you consider multihop payments and the need for liquidity and all of that, i think ~500 is a reasonable bound for doing napkin math
Thank you for the answer. The results that @TonyGiorgio posted have 10 times less tps and seems it was tested between two direct peers. I supose that in routed payments it has to be even less, no?
In a follow up post, Joost theorized how to get up to 1000 TPS:
ill check it out, thanks!
yep. I'd say the ~500 number is an upper bound. In practice, it'll be an order of magnitude lower because of liquidity requirements, network latency (especially over tor), intermittent failures because of all the crappy hardware in the network, etc.