Productivity hack: In a Twitter search, you can do: from:[TwitterUsername] filter:nativeretweets [search term or @TwitterUsername]
That will let you see if a Twitter user (or yourself) has retweeted a Tweet that meets your search criteria.
This comes in handy because sometimes I see a Tweet for an article (e.g., on CoinDesk, for example) and I kind of remember retweeting it but the current CoinDesk Tweet I'm looking at doesn't show that I've retweeted it yet. But maybe what I had retweeted was an earlier Tweet for the same article. This search command then will help me identify whether there were any Tweets at all that I've retweeted that match the criteria.
It only goes back seven days though. If I want to see a Tweet that I retweeted prior to that, the next best method is to use Nitter, and then do a browser page search for the current page and for each of the preceding pages until I find the Tweet i am looking for.