Issue with Bitcoin in mainstream media
Only time I see mentions of Bitcoin in my countries mainstream media is always negative or during bull cycle “man makes millions”
See most articles about how someone got scammed and they took bitcoin etc..
How can we get more good news stories about Bitcoin in the media?
Encouraging or collecting donations for a legitimate charity that actually serves a useful purpose is good and has a few benefits: 1 it actually helps people 2 it demonstrates global efficiency and utility of Bitcoin 3 is popular to cover by news media as it is a feel-good story. I cannot stress enough that the donations and organizations must be well respected and helpful or else the news coverage would be more negative content if the organizations were perceived to be unlawful or having ulterior motives.
Education. Most media is a big game of telephone and once a news story gets big enough original sources of information are lost. Everything echos in the news chamber, even ignorant things.
What continent are you on? At least in the US there's some favorable coverage.
Australia all I see here is either someone made a fortune and sold or someone got scammed
Which isn’t helping adoption here as everyone either thinks they missed out on the big bet win or that they will get scammed