@k00b have you ever considered expanding SN into a TikTok like video sharing platform? It would be nice getting sats for sharing interesting vidoe content.
That might be an idea for another website. I am definitely under the impression that all existing websites, especially social media ones will have a version that integrates sats. And if they do it right, it may become more popular than the original. This place already has a wonderful community and a healthy culture. Adding the dopamine injection of 10 second videos will completely undo the intelligent insight SN users share with one another.
To be honest, that sounds horrible (at first thought at least). Maybe because you mentioned TikTok. This makes it sound like you are talking about recommendation systems; video autoplay; short attention span content.
It would be nice getting sats for sharing interesting vidoe content.
You can already share interesting video content. Just post the link.
I'm not so sure about the tiktok idea, but I just recently did start thinking about SN expanding to a YouTube type site. I have just gotten into fountain, and I thought that the reward/payment model for podcasts would translate nicely into video. I posted a question to SN members about Lightning Video, but got no response. I really think that a bitcoin based youtube alternative is necessary, especially as people (like me) start removing themselves from any Google products.
сатошей не хватит для вес видео