Every orange pill attempt should be tailor-made towards that person. It's best to not pick what you think is most important about Bitcoin. Pick what would make it most useful to them.
If they are older and concerned about inflation's effect on their fixed income, talk about it's scarcity resulting in an inflation hedge.
If they come from a country with poor human rights, mention how hard it is to confiscate, and how you can flee a country with your life savings as 12 words in your head.
If they are politically active, talk about it being unstoppable. You will never have to worry being deplatformed from financial services.
If they own a business, show how they can save money on transaction fees.
If they are a content creator, talk about innovative new monetization techniques are made possible only by Bitcoin.
No matter who they are, there is a way Bitcoin will improve their life. You just have to figure out which use case they most need.
Pick what would make it most useful to them.
THIS is a good answer / strategy to orange pill. And works. I did it myself.
If they own a business, show how they can save money on transaction fees.
Haha, that's what I did today! I realized I have being going to this store for a long time now and we quite know each other now (he knows what I want to buy when I order, haha). So when I paid with my debit card, I asked him how much the fees are and if he heard about bitcoin. Wanted to tip him 10€ in sats but he first wanted to know what all this bitcoin thing is about.
Then we had a good talk about bitcoin and exchanged numbers so we can continue at a later time :) Was a nice experience. Best experience so far. He had many good questions about bitcoin.