That denominator? Those $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$? That’s supposed to be fixed. In order to provide a semblance of rationality to the numerator / denominator equation, at least when it comes to measuring value – the denominator isn’t supposed to be moving or if it is, it has to at least be constrained by some kind of economic trade-off. In the old-timey days, on a gold standard, there was a 2% natural inflation rate that was mostly limited by the ability to discover new gold deposits and actually mine the stuff. It was a pretty good system and the world moved to it under its own incentives, not by the decree of a committee of experts.
Yes people are moving out of the numerator into the denominator as soon as they realize the positions of the dollar and BTC in the division equation. We are still in the early adopters phase and soon to take off in that phase. It will be climbing once people decide that the FRN fiat is not very useful, anymore.