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Restart grading everything on a statistical curve
This could be interesting! It would destroy so many students.
Why? Is the current grading that inflated?
Every time the average grade in my class is C or below C, I get complaints from the principal. I get an appointment and have to prove that the student was able to get a B or an A with the material I provided in my class. So again, extra time...
This year I had 6 of such complaints.
I would argue that the average grade at my school is a B-, so the average kid is good and smart? Hell no, the average kid is lazy and dont understand anything, but it looks good on paper and in the statistics.
I went through that when I was teaching at a college. I caught some students cheating by copying each other’s work and putting their names on it. It just happened to be a class in PowerPoint presentations. I could hold the papers up to the light and see that a group of them were exchanging work to pass it in. The only thing different was the names on the papers. It is almost impossible to place images on a presentation slide in the exact same place with the exact same rotation & etc. I had to justify to the dean of students giving them zeros for the assignments and Fs for the class. The thing that saved my hide was that the student handbook had rules against plagiarism.
make the average B- to avoid meetings with the principal
University of California graduate students get B- or better because anything below is considered fail or unsatisfactory. It's not a big deal because most grad students get A's anyway because of grade inflation etc.
A professor will not give C+ or lower because it's an administrative hassle to fail a graduate student. Every professor will avoid the nuclear option unless it is absolutely necessary, e.g. student fails on purpose.
Corruption, through-and-through the whole system from administration through to the instructors and passed on to the students. I wonder if those groups know that the businesses looking for new hires also understand the total corruption of the education system. I understand Harvard students are having a very difficult time getting hired anywhere but Daddy’s company.
Could this be another reason why education (right now) does not meet the demand for educated graduates?
One of the many reasons I think!