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0 sats \ 17 replies \ @Bell_curve 21 Dec 2024 \ parent \ on: Doomerism and Negativity bitcoin
good comment
I forgot to disclose I own shares of MSTR in my Roth IRA
I even convinced my cousin to buy btc and MSTR
I went all-in last summer with my 401k to MSTR (at least as much as it would let me allocate) and it's been great.
Having said that I buy the real thing given the choice.
summer of 23 or 24?
either way, nice job
- thanks
After the ETFs came out... I sold some shares to put into the etf to reduce 'key-man' risk.
Whether that was a good idea or not I'm not sure I guess I'll know eventually
summer of 2023 means your MSTR holdings are up 500%
great timing!
luck + skill
Not skill. Just curiosity (staying up all night listening to btc podcasts and interviews)
You’re being modest!
I should have said knowledge plus luck
Knowledge > skill for investing
LOL have fun being Saylor bitch
For your information (because obviously you don't know...)
There is no way to purchase real Bitcoin in a 401k. It's impossible.
This is correct
I am 95 percent sure Darth has muted me for supporting liquid
Well liquid or no liquid...
Employer-based 401Ks are not optional at least in my country. They are 'assigned' to all workers. And in them there is simply no way to buy 'spot' Bitcoin in self-custody. Maybe one day, but there isn't right now.
As far as 'real Bitcoin'... if I didn't own some of that I wouldn't be on SN
There are SN users who use liquid to balance their Lightning channels
Boltz is a great service
Aqua and CoinOS are great for beginners
Why the fuck you need a 401k? Just buy directly BTC. Done.
Or you are just a pussy, not having balls to go all in into Bitcoin. And that means fiat mindset. A true bitcoiner will always go all in.
Darth your guides are awesome. They are super informative.
But sometimes you lack... tact. And subtlety.
And cannot read between the lines
He lives in a self imposed bubble like the bubble boy on Seinfeld
I read more than you can imagine and also my bullshit-meter is always very accurate

We can’t change the past.
401k preceded the genesis block.
The tax penalties are significant. It’s easier to buy MSTR in a 401k or Roth IRA