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Scientists believe that signs of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations can be detected thanks to the existence of special energy devices that take energy not from stars, but from black holes.
Researchers have proposed an unusual theory that concerns the search for extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy. It is assumed that aliens can use so-called Dyson spheres to obtain energy from dark matter in black holes.
If you detect the signatures of these energy devices, you can get to potential aliens. And find out where they live. The study was published on the preprint server arXiv, writes Popular Mechanics.
Scientists suggest that advanced alien civilizations can use Dyson spheres to obtain huge amounts of energy to satisfy all their needs.
But these Dyson spheres do not collect energy from stars, but from primordial black holes. This theory is very unusual, but nevertheless has the right to exist.
A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical stellar energy harvesting device that could theoretically be used by a very advanced alien civilization.
The idea is that aliens could surround their home star with huge solar panels and thus create a fusion power plant. This would be necessary in order to meet the enormous energy needs that the alien civilization’s home planet cannot meet.
There is a Kardashev scale that divides civilizations into levels depending on how much energy they can consume and collect. That is, some civilizations can collect all the energy of their planet or star, while others – the energy of neighboring stars or even most of the stars in the galaxy.
According to the Kardashev scale, human civilization is at level 0. The authors of the new study suggest that an alien civilization that can harvest energy from black holes is at level 2 or 3.
Scientists believe that aliens may use a structure similar to the hypothetical Dyson sphere, but it surrounds a primordial black hole. At the same time, the theory suggests that primordial black holes are dark matter and it is from it that aliens obtain energy.
tl;dr you all should sell your btc
Drooooonnnnnnzzzzzzz!!!!!!! They are coming with their probes for us!!!! Sell your sh*tcoins, too!!! Now!!!!
How about in the sky? Just look up!