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The US government will go into a shutdown if lawmakers do not reach an agreement on federal funding before the clock ticks past midnight on Friday
House Republicans have met behind closed doors to hash out a plan, after two previous bills that would have averted a shutdown failed
After a two-hour long meeting, House Speaker Mike Johnson says there will "not be" a government shutdown and that there will be a vote on spending measures this afternoon
A shutdown would mean millions of government employees would not be paid over Christmas, and all non-essential, discretionary functions of the US government stop
Friday's political wrangling comes after the House voted Thursday night against a Donald Trump-backed funding measure, which needed a two-thirds majority to pass
The frantic efforts kicked off earlier this week when Trump and billionaire Elon Musk pressured Republicans to reject the deal and create a new one
JUST IN - U.S. House passes stopgap funding bill, averting government shutdown.
timestamp 3:08 PM pst
Thanks for the update!
edit: the number of federal employees is about 3 million. I can't remember if this includes contractors.
A shutdown would mean millions of government employees would not be paid over Christmas, and all non-essential, discretionary functions of the US government stop.
Ergo: millions of government employees are non essential
all non-essential, discretionary functions of the US government stop
Hard to argue against this being good.
True, it does make you wonder what 'non-essential' really means in practice.
Maybe @Cje95 can enlighten us, because I'm not totally clear on this either.
National Parks all close (Park Ranger are non essential and they literally lock the gates), in DC all the Monuments are on Fed land so they will literally put up fencing around them to “close” them, FEMA is going to have a hell of an issue to Noeth Carolina, Georgia, etc there recovery will stall out.
For Trump his inauguration becomes an issue as the National Mall in DC will close and all the people to coordinate the whole thing are furloughed.
With TSA, Air Traffic Control, Border Patrol they start working for free which is ya know bad… Congress has to go back to give them backpay its not automatic. When they do this everytime they have also gone back and given backpay to everyone that was furloughed and just got to sit around. Which is a terrible move I mean paying people to do nothing is stupid.
I can list more if you want but those are th first that come to mind.
So it's fairly scattershot. There isn't an easy and clear distinction that would make sense to lay people?
I think backpay is automatic, though. I recall there being a bill a few years ago about that.
Solo backpay is only automatic for specific departments and agencies like Congressional Staff. Unions might have other added but its not very widespread. The Department of Education for example will likely be highly furloughed because they would have a hard time justifying them as essential. The Department of Energy is the same with only the nuclear programs likely being exempt
Great idea! Hey @cje95, Sir, could you kindly inflate my empty brain with some of your premium grade political wisdom?
Awww since you asked so nicely sure bby its above!
Always with this damn government shutdown