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Yes, Japanese meals also have variety through the meal with 3,4 or5 different things being served for the meal. I like hot miso and rice for breakfast, myself.
I've gone through several periods of doing miso for breakfast.
It is a nice warm start for the day. I like it with onions and tofu cubes in it and green onions on top. The rice works well with natto, too.
Is it easy for your wife to prepare you this quintessentially Japanese breakfast in the States?
Yes, really easy. Marucome miso, tofu is everywhere and homemade natto. I ferment my own natto. The rice is always in the rice cooker.
You also make your own probiotic drinks, right? You amaze me
Would you eat miso ramen?
For breakfast? Probably not since my wife is a no salt fanatic for me. Sometimes for lunch, yes. She doesn’t like me running up the ol’ blood pressure. That also means restrictions on tamari (or shoyu).
Sounds like a good wife who is on top of her game!