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In my quest to write about something close to my heart again (without depriving myself of sleep), I have an inquiry. See question in the title, which is about this sentence:
I’m as much a bitcoiner as I’m not.
I’m really curious about how people interpret this. Sometimes, I think it’s hard to interpret it the way I do, but then I wonder, how else could it be read?
this territory is moderated
Most of us are Bitcoiners who don't actually Bitcoin, in other words: We're not running our own node, we're not actively bolstering the security of the network (mining), and we're not spending- nor accepting bitcoin for goods or services offered by us.
I'd like to say that's okay, but we all should at least do one of the above, even if it's shrimp-shenanigans like running a bitaxe or selling stuff on eBay every once in a while for bitcoin.
I'm not doing anything of the above right now, but I am trying to setup shop and accept bitcoin there in the new year, for that the curse laid upon me by myself may be shattered in the glory of my first received bitcoin payment! For Narnia!
I think it is recognition that while being a bitcoiner is part of your life that you are also many other things.
Ok I think it wasn’t as mysterious as I thought it was for some reason haha
not that deep basically
Not that deep in a way. But kind of super important and hard to integrate. Like everyone around me sees me as the Bitcoin guy because I never shut up about it. It's tricky to navigate.
To me, it is a reminder that I am a lot of things. Not just a Bitcoiner. I think that it is important to remember why we are stacking sats. I think deep down humans want to serve a purpose and help others. It is easy in Bitcoin, to focus on number go up. But it is a means to an end. It's great to have, but how do we put this tool to use and make a difference in our communities?
Thank you for this thought provoking post. I love to see it.
If we were born 100 years in the future and the world ran on a Bitcoin standard, people wouldn't be walking around with a Bitcoin t-shirt, it would be kinda weird.
So, our generation has to lift the weight and live this odd situation where you seem a bit genius and a bit mad for talking so much about it, and create the infrastructure, and educate people, etc.
Also, when using Bitcoin is normal for normies, looking the amount of sats would be equivalent to looking the amount of your preferred fiat currency, which is this weird proxy variable for happiness but not really.
Some people have nothing/everything and are unhappy. Some people have nothing/everything and are happy.
You spend it all in the pursuit to turn wasteland into a fruitful food forest filled with animals from far and beyond. It's on my list if I were to strike it big in terms of purchasing power.
We are early. You already struck it big. Just keep stacking. We are all going to win.
Nah, it's like a micro PP "big"
It's not how big it is. It's how you use it. I'm working with what I call an extra medium.. not much to milk from.
Wait, are we still talking about our stack?
This how I read it too. Being a bitcoiner is all well and good, but why? If you don't have some other purpose in life, what's the point of saving in sound money?
The more I work toward the important things in life (my family, my friends, my hobbies, my goals), the more reason I have to save in sound money. So, the less my life revolves around Bitcoin, the more of a bitcoiner I need to be.
The opposite is also true, the more I save and use bitcoin, the better my position becomes to focus on the things that really matter, and to provide for the people that I love.
This is some quality assmilking. I like.
just trying to make assmilking fun again after all the tension we’ve had recently about it, I hope you understand
We should give dickmilking a chance, maybe we'd grow surprisingly fond if it. 🤗
I mean it sounds way more fun to receive at least.
Receive? If we're talking plural, other doors open.
Ok, I’m right behind you
B-b-but... Are we the same girth-size? I don't want to waste energy!
I'm not sure what that means and if it's what urban dictionary tells me then eeeww.
It’s a SN inside joke
I don't get it. I guess that's why I get milked a lot. Damn it. He was right.
It means we’re having fun
Oh well then. He is spot on. I have tons of fun here. Thanks for keeping it fun.
First, I fear for you that you're a shitcoiner. Then, I realize you probably mean you are more than your interest in bitcoin.
I saw. You said evoked, so I thought I'd relay my fast brain response in addition to my slow brain one.
This makes me think about balance and identity. “I’m as much a Bitcoiner as I’m not” is like admitting that we don’t have to fit neatly into one box. It’s about being part of something and still keeping your own perspective being in it, but not consumed by it.
Or maybe I misunderstood your post?
I thought we're a cult? That's why I joined, at least. I always wanted to be a cultist.
I’ve never been part of a cult, so I wouldn’t know. But do cultists get consumed by their ideology?
I always wanted to be a cultist.
Interesting! I've seen very few people say that.
Cultists are the ideology.
Your understanding is okay
Thank you, sir!
I believe you mean that you are not attached to it.
I’m as much a bitcoiner as I’m not.
Makes no sense to me. 🤷
I appreciate your honesty
I don't mean that in a negative way, that you wrote some nonsense. I say it makes no sense to me because I don't understand it.
I say it makes no sense to me because I don't understand it.
no worries, that's how I read it
We contain multitudes
ChatGPT's take:
Given that EK explicitly rejected:
  1. The learning/growth interpretation
  2. The non-attachment interpretation
  3. The balanced life/higher purpose interpretation
This points toward a more subtle or philosophical meaning. Since it's structured as "A = > not A", it could be suggesting:
  1. A quantum-like superposition - simultaneously being both states
  2. A critique of the binary "bitcoiner/non-bitcoiner" categorization itself
  3. A statement about the fluid or evolving nature of identity
@ek ?
A critique of the binary "bitcoiner/non-bitcoiner" categorization itself
Damn, I was betting on quantum-like superposition, it would be cool.
Mhh, that’s also accurate
There’s probably a little bit of quantum superposition in all of us
It's hard for me to understand why people want bitcoin and at the same time not self custody. Why not just buy an ETF or something?
To me it means as much as someone might say they are a bitcoiner or even a bitcoin maximalist at the end of the day all bitcoin is is a tool. A tool that many believe will help achieve goals that matter in life like having a having a healthy family and being able to choose what we work on on a daily basis without relying on working for somebody for a paycheck. Bitcoin is the means not the ends.
a person who sees bitcoin as valuable, appreciates it, respects it, may use it and invest, etc. however its not their whole life renting 24/7 in their heart & soul!
There are some routines and rituals characteristic of Bitcoiners that you have adopted. But there are other things about the Bitcoin ethos that you reject/have not adopted because….
I commented first without reading other comments
I predict this will be the sha256 hash of a reply similar to what @DarthCoin would reply:
Since he refuses to reply in this territory, this is the preimage:
It means you are a shitcoiner
you can verify here
It's okay. I do trust... sometimes. 😉
But you don’t have to 👀
Nah. I wouldn't know what I was looking at probably. I'm just a simple desert creature. Computers are hard for me.
I guess it depends on how staunch of a maxi you are?
What is 'it' in this sentence
It is....what is it in this sentence? Maybe the sentence should go more like, "depends on how staunch of a maxi you are?"
You just removed the first two words, I am still as confused as before if not more.
Do you mean your interpretation of my words depend on how staunch of a maxi I am?
If so, I wanted everyone to read this without thinking about who wrote it 👀
I dont get it... You asked what we thought of your sentence. I said it depends on how staunch of a bitcoin maxi you are. In that context, it makes sense to me. @DarthCoin do you understand what that means?
Why do your thoughts depend on how staunch of a maxi you are? 👀
Or I guess maybe that is your thought. If so, I apologise for the confusion.
In short you think you still have scope to learn about Bitcoin.
The noodles are cold