When I was a child, I had these out of body experiences where I could ‘get inside my head’ and force it to think “I am something”. I kept repeating that to myself till I saw me as a third person. In other words, I was able to generate a certain level of consciousness that made me have an out of body experience. It’s very hard to explain but it was scary…
I had these experiences ages 6 through 14, may be longer, but it was never possible to ‘hold on to the moment’. Like I said, it was frightening to be there.
As I grew older, it became more and more difficult to replicate those moments and one day they became a distant memory. I could no longer get into that space of time…
Now, I am by no means a lunatic or a day-dreamer; I have never done drugs or had any kind of hallucinations. I have a very functional brain that allows me a certain level of intelligence that I am proud of. Overtime, I have also learnt to question God or anything that logic cannot explain.
The one question that still remains with me is, ‘who am I?’. What were those moments I experienced as a child. What is the ‘sense of being’, this consciousness, and ‘what is the ultimate purpose of life?’. Why are we here…
These questions are of vital importance for me. I believe the questioning to your inner self leads you to the path of spirituality. What about you? Do you also get such rumbling of thoughts sometimes for a particular question. Did you ever search for the answers? Why not share them here...