Kim Jong Un has led North Korea for some time, living on a Bitcoin standard. Western countries have only sought to sanction them.
Bitcoin media has not covered this developing story and chosen instead to cover El Salvador, which currently rug pulled PODCONF to suck the IMF's pp
As a journalist, it is important to be fair and balanced. While Kim is based when it comes to Bitcoin and cigarettes, he subjects his people to horrible human rights violations.
But human rights violations has never been a problem for PODCONF media in the past.
I find it incredibly strange that North Korea, one of the first if not the first country to have Bitcoin on the balance sheet, is not promoted.
I don't understand why Kim Jong Un isn't invited to conferences to speak.
It almost feels to me that the @podconf ecosystem only fawns over politicians that are convenient to the US State department.
As a truly independent voice in the space, I will die on this hill.
Kim Jong Un is the world's premiere Bitcoin President.