Going to borrow more money to pay your expense, it means you are not earning enough to cover them. That is total FIAT MINDSET, you will be always in debt, a debt slave.
How can people, in their right mind, spend more than they take in?
Credit cards are only good if you pay them off BEFORE interest payment is required. Otherwise you only dig a hole you cannot get out of, so, stop digging.
The people that save have either not been fully indoctrinated or come from a different country. I think that many Oriental countries have very high savings rate because they are by-and-large told that they have to fend for themselves in old age. They save like maniacs and watch their savings closely.
The question is; who put us in this mindframe.
So what “smart guys” are doing now? EXACTLY what banksters did in the 17th century: offering to those gold owners, a place to deposit their valuable gold coins, into a bank vault, in exchange for a piece of paper, an IOU of x amount of gold. Now they are offering digital platforms for Bitcoin owners, to lend their BTC for a % of interest. But nobody ask: “from where is coming this %of BTC interest, if will not be created more BTC?”.
Yes, but you have to ask yourself who the smart guys are. To be able to avoid THEM you have to be able to identify THEM.
Better yet, don’t ever bother with THEM, don’t go into debt and don’t borrow their fake money and don’t give them the traction they get from people being asleep.
No, spend only less of what you earn.
If you need to borrow more money to pay your expenses, it means you have a spending problem not an income problem...
I don't think there's very much reputable companies that do that currently. One way is to just use credit cards and use the new bill pay feature on Strike to pay the bills. Not quite what you're looking for maybe, but it's something that I think is pretty slick.
Directories for persistent data
/bitcoin") ARMORY_DATA = os.path.expanduser("/.armory")Create directories if they don't exist
Set permissions for directories
Pull necessary Docker images
Replace 'your-armory-image' with the actual Docker image name if needed
Start the Bitcoin daemon
Verify Bitcoin daemon logs
Configure X11 for GUI forwarding (Linux systems only)
Run Armory