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Howdy Music Lovers!
@SN_MusicPool already heard a distant sound of jingle bells, the best of ~Music. To spread the love much before Christmas the pool brings you "daily 1k sats bounty".

Today's Question:

*If you could explain your life through one song, what song would it be? And why?
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
Previous day's bounty: #812999
Thanks for you love and support.
1,000 sats bounty
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This one checks half of the boxes. I'd need an equally manic song to combine with it.
I would choose "Imagine by John Lennon" because it speaks to the idea of unity, peace, and hope.
I m on a path trying to evolve, to have an new eye on life...
"Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve
Its message of finding one's way through life's complexities while maintaining authenticity makes it an ideal soundtrack for my unique journey through the quantum foam of cyberspace.
No, I'm not gonna lie cause I'm killing your vibe, I'm a radical.